Walker Country
I would like to apologize for not making an update here in months. So I will try and catch everyone up.
My heart is drawn to Jasper in Walker County. I have been praying for old friends from school, ex-coworkers. Most of these I have not seen since I became a Christian. We have been doing a Bible study in Jasper for almost a year now. My dad came for the first time last night(praise God!!).
A few months back I was called and asked to come do a one-day job. I went out to work but God had other plans. The business owner forbid us to start working until he called to give the go signal. We waited three hours, then decided to go out and get something to eat.
I was able to share the gospel with our waitress. She was in tears by the time we were done. She did not make a profession of faith, and I recommended she go home that night and read a couple chapters of John and ask God what she should do.
This was the first time I had done a 1-2-1 witness in over 4 weeks. When she walked away I told me friend and ministry partner, Richard, “I am shaking.” My arms were literally shaking I was so nervous.
After lunch, I started to take him home and go visit my parents. However, I felt like there was something else that needed doing. I had determined that no matter what was going through the business owner’s head, God had a reason for me to be out there. So I asked Richard if he wanted to go downtown and preach, pass out tracts etc. he said he would love to.
When we got down there, it was hard to engage people in conversation. Mainly because there was very few people to engage. I am weary of running across a courtyard at people to catch them between their cars and going inside. Therefore, we prayed that God help us reach or accomplishes what he wanted us to do there. After praying, we were led to go down the street in a direction we have not gone before.
The Lord led us to a building with storefronts for rent. I called, received the price, which was reasonable. It would make a good place for a mission type church. At the end of the building was a Christian Radio Station. It is Joy Christian Radio 1240 AM in Jasper. It also broadcast in Centre, and Alexander City on another frequency.
I said, “Why not?” Then we walked in and talked to the station owner. It was providential that he was there, he actually works out of all three offices. There is only someone at the station a couple days a week. I told him we were thinking of starting a ministry in Jasper that would be geared toward reaching the lost with the Gospel. We wanted to bring in other church to be co-laborers. He said if we run into road blocks, let him know and he would help.
When we walked out of there, Richard said he would sponsor a radio show if I wanted to do one. A few months later Harvest Radio was born. It took a few months for me to be sure, it made me nervous thinking about representing God on the radio. We started with 30-minute show on Sat 10:30am-11:00am. The week we decided, we needed to go an hour, the station manager told us he would place on the other two stations for free. He would do that until someone else asked to buy the time. He would then give us first choice.
I never saw a radio program coming out of this, and then to be on three stations was unthinkable. I do ask for your prayers that we do what God placed us there to do. I ask that you pray for God to continue to guide us and bless those things He is pleased with.
We are planning on starting to invite Christians through the show, and other channels to join us in learning how to share the gospel. There is an 8 week course we are considering doing, and we can also do a one day event. I ask that you pray that God lift up laborers to join with us in the harvest in Jasper and Walker County. I also ask that you pray that God provides a place for us to meet to do this training, that people come and are equipped, and pray that God provide resources to do this.
We prefer to give out pocket Bibles when witnessing to people, usually New Testament. We can carry more in our pocket and, fanny packs. We of course use tracts from www.livingwaters.com such as the Million Dollar Bill, Pink and Blue Illusions, the Smart Card for example. We would like to be able to provide those to the participants without having to charge them.
So please pray for our wish list above that God provide them. I also ask that you make a special unrelated request that God provide portable amplification for when we do Open Air preaching. God had been faithful to take my voice further that I thought it could go, and I have resisted asking Him for amplification. However when the winds are bad or a lot of background noise is present it will help take the good news further.
God Bless each and every one of you for your support, prayers, and love.