
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thanksgiving outreach

I knew the crowds would be out in full force Friday after Thanksgiving; so I decided I was going to be one of the crazies out before sun up! I ended up being a solo (my 2 y/o doesn't count, does he?) My husband had to get to work so I went it alone. Man, does satan know how to step up in the fear department. I was SOOO jazzed about going out, but got there (inside the mall) and pop! the wind out of my sails. I encountered a small group of young girls, very prideful and full of themselves. I was trembling. They gave me a very simple objection (don't believe in hell) and it totally stumped me! I tried to get around it, but just couldn't. Gave them all a tract, told them to read it, thanked them and left. Then kicked myself, repeatedly!

I decided to just go home, quit. Then said no, because of all the folks who knew I was coming out I would have to tell I quit so I stayed. I talked with 2 young guys, slightly older than the previous group. Remember, still pushing my 2 y/o in his stroller. This time went great! Nailed it - law, grace, repentance, whole 9 yards. PRAISE GOD! It was so great that He gave me the strength to stand firm and fight!

Also got to go out Saturday since it was GORGEOUS and about 70 degrees. I really wanted to open air. I witnessed to a couple not 5 feet in the park. It went great; they very receptive. I then went over to where we usually o/a. Got up and started “praying God send people; who do You want to hear this today?’ Just then 2 guys walked by and I asked if they were ready for Christmas and did they know alot about it. They said yes to both so I asked if I could ask them some trivia questions for fun. Went through 8-10 questions, then got to the biggy "If Santa used God’s Ten Commandments as the standard of naughty and nice, how would you measure up?" I was able to give them the full council of God Holy Law. They seemed to really get it. An hour or so later as we were leaving I gave them each a God Has A Wonderful Plan for Your Life tract. Told them to remember what we talked about. It was a great and awesome weekend and I thank God I was able to give people His Word and pray each one would go to Him and ask "what now?"

By Ginger Reeves

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Living to Love One Another

Living to Love One Another

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV). Is this a new command? It looks a lot like the second one we discussed. I quoted this scripture in a Bible study one day, and a fellow participant said, “It is not new, the Old Testament said the same thing.” He gave me a few examples. I, not being mature, patient, or avoiding quarrelsome disputes, said, “If you have a problem with it being new, tell Christ, He said it, not me.” Some may be thinking, What a smart aleck! They are correct. God has been convicting me of the way in which I communicate with others. I will only ask that you add your prayers to mine, that I submit myself, especially my mouth, to God’s control.
The old command was to love others as we love ourselves. Until the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that was the best we could hope for, and it was still out of our reach.
Both the Old Testament and the New Testament give us the way in which we can obey both commands. God promised His people in Ezekiel that He would remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. God also promised He would “put a new spirit within them” (11:19 NKJV). Later in chapter thirty-six, God clarifies what that new spirit will be when He says, “I will put my Spirit within you” (36:27 NKJV). In both passages, He says the new spirit will cause us to walk in His statutes, keep his ordinances, and do them (see 11:20; 36:28 NKJV). The new heart and new spirit are also mentioned in Ezekiel 18:31-32
Jesus explains to Nicodemus that unless you are born of water and Spirit, you cannot receive eternal life. Jesus tells His disciples that when they are arrested and taken before kings and rulers that the Holy Spirit will speak though them. Before His crucifixion, Jesus tells His disciples that after He is gone another will come to teach them. He promises the Spirit of truth “dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:17 NKJV). The Apostle Paul reminds us in more than one place that we are new creations in Christ (see 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 4:24; Col. 3:10). Only with the Spirit of God within us, working in conjunction with our new hearts, can we keep this command (the new command) or any other command. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19 NKJV).
The question then is, “How did Jesus love me?” I am going to separate the way Jesus showed love into two main categories: He showed love to all men in general ways such as providing for physical needs, spiritual needs, and salvation. Jesus also tailored His words and actions, so those He encountered would know and feel loved. Both types of love are critical and we have to learn to love both ways if we are to imitate Christ. Paul writes, “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22 NKJV).


Christ first showed love by leaving heaven and coming to earth in the form of a man. He endured all that we endured, facing the type of temptations that are common to man. He obeyed His parents on earth, even though He was their God (see Luke 2:51 NKJV). So one way He loved us was to come to our world and experience our pain and sufferings. We could say, “He walked a mile in our shoes.”
Jesus loved his disciples by serving them. He washed their feet at the Last Supper. Washing feet was a duty done by a slave, the youngest child, or an adult of lowest stature. That is why Peter protested Jesus washing His feet. Peter knew that the greatest person at the table, Jesus, should not be washing their feet.
The burning question I have is, “Why was this not already performed by one of the disciples?” The only reason I can think of is that each one thought they were of too high a station to perform such a menial task. The fact that they had been arguing over which one would be greatest in the kingdom during the last days of Christ’s life lends credence to that hypothesis. This arguing during the Last Supper is documented in Luke 22:24.
In fact, Jesus explains that He washed the disciples’ feet as an example to them on how they should be. He said, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you” (John 13:14-15 NKJV). It is important to understand that serving each other in humility, not just by washing feet, is what Jesus is talking about. Jesus repeatedly told His disciples the greatest one in the kingdom of heaven is the one who serves, not the one who is served. Usually He mentioned this after they argued over which one would be greatest. The concept of humility is a struggle for many of us, including me.
This begs the question, “Are we too busy trying to do great things to build the kingdom that we refuse to serve in the not-so-great tasks?” Pastors, I would like to point out that your congregation and staff follow your lead. If you think you are too important to pick up a candy wrapper or occasionally work with the youth in a non-teaching capacity, then your staff and parents will also see those tasks as not important. This also plays out in evangelism and other ministry functions. If the pastor is not doing something, then it is not important. At least, that is what their staff and congregation will believe. Of course a pastor can not do everything, but showing a lack of interest or action will lead his congregation to neglect the same things.
Now I want to talk to every other Christian. Your pastor is not supposed to do everything, nor is the answer to every need hiring more staff. “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:11-12 NKJV, emphasis added). Your pastor’s job is to equip you to do the work of ministry. He as a leader needs to value all these things with actions and words, but you need to step up and ask, “How can I help?”
Jesus provided for the physical needs of those around Him. He is recorded on two separate occasions feeding thousands of people supernaturally. He would heal the blind, lame, and deaf. Mark 1:41 records Jesus healing a leper. He also calmed the winds and the seas to provide physical protection and peace of mind for His disciples.

Jesus suffered beatings, mocking, crucifixion, and eventually death as part of His loving us. He did not cry out, cuss, blame, lie, or even try to escape His sentence. He did this so He could be our scapegoat, our sin offering to God. He bore our iniquities quietly to the grave and on His lips was a prayer that God “…forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34 NKJV).
How do we love others like Jesus loved us? Well, instead of asking ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” (WWJD), we need to ask ourselves, “What did Jesus do?” (WDJD) in similar situations. When we see a physical or spiritual need in another Christian or non-Christian, we are to do what is in our power to help. This could be providing clothing or food for physical needs. It could also be admonishing, rebuking, and exhorting the faint-hearted or those going down a wrong path. It could also be praying for others’ needs when we cannot meet them, either spiritually or physically.
We can spend time with those we think are beneath us socially, spiritually, economically, intellectually, or any other way we look down our noses at people. We can help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give water to the thirsty, and share the gospel that leads to salvation in Christ Jesus to a lost person.
We know Jesus could heal by a word, as the centurion points out in one story, but He chose to touch a leper (see Matt. 8:1-3; 8:7-9 NKJV). Lepers are contagious and are usually horribly disfigured. Jesus provided physical healing through His touch, but He also provided something else. He showed the leper he was valued enough by Him to merit a touch.
While participating with Convoy of Hope, my wife and I were able to give that touch to many people. I served according to my gifts by walking among those waiting in line to receive the gospel, food, medical attention, etc. While walking among them, I was able to provide information, meet needs, shake hands, give hugs, and listen to what was in their hearts. This means as much to those who do not feel loved as food does to the hungry. (Convoy of Hope partners with local organizations and churches across racial and denominational lines. This partnership unites communities, providing a platform for touching lives and bringing hope to thousands of individuals and families.)
Toward the end, my wife and I started carrying groceries for those who needed help. This allowed us more intimate time with those who where hurting. We were able to pray for these people individually.
I also must say that because of past hurts, many were reluctant to accept our help. They where afraid we were going to take advantage of them in some way, because in their world no one helps for no reason. The sad thing is I believe many of them know people who claim the name of Christ and still take advantage of others.
We can also love others like Jesus when we are in conflict with them. When they curse us, we can pray for them. When they beat us, we can forgive them and ask God to do the same. When they hurt us in any way, we can pray for them. When they scream, we can talk calmly or remain quiet. When your wife brings your mother’s faults into a conversation, leave her mother out of it. When your husband is not being the spiritual leader of the home, remember “they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives” (1 Pet. 3:1-2 NKJV).


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


By Ginger Reeves

Saturday, 10/7/06, our team of 3 joined with another small team and we stormed the city of Talladega on one of its biggest weekends of the year:  Race Weekend.  This year was especially big since they were to have truck races Saturday, for the first time, and then the Nascar races Sunday.  I ask 3 questions of people when they tell me about an event (witnessing, or otherwise):  1. Did you have fun?  I love serving our God.  I love working with my husband in this battle.  I love meeting new people.  I love watching peoples faces as they "Get it".  2. Did you learn how to do it better next time?  We learned there is no such thing as too much prayer.  We learned we need more tracts.  We gave out approx. 300 Million Dollar Bills at one of the gates in about 15 minutes.  We learned we need to ask more people to go with us next time.  3. Was God glorified?  I believe HE was.  We were serving Him, sharing His word, and being examples before thousands.  My favorite part of the day was doing something my leaders taught me during EBC 14 (evangelism boot camp, when I went to LA in September):  As we were walking with a large crowd crossing the street I started talking a little louder than usual to Jamie, explaining how sin is anything from lieing to murder to theft and how God views it all as wicked, despite how we in this world may view it.  She instantly knew what I was doing and fell right into it.  A lady a few feet in front of us though did NOT like what we were doing, because she kept looking over her shoulder shooting daggers at me.  She never said anything, but it was obvious I had hit a nerve with her.   The day did not go quite as we had expected, but we know what needs to be done when we go back in April.

Friday, September 15, 2006

John 3:16 Updated for modern times

John 3:16

I have decided to do a paraphrase of John 3:16 to make it more modern, to bring it inline with our culture and times. I am basing this on observation of what preachers teach that Jesus brings people. If you can think of others please feel free to add them in.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not drive a chevette but race through life in a corvette.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not ever be sick but have good health in this present life.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not be poor in finances(regardless of their spending habits or work ethic) but have riches that fall from the sky so they can enjoy them without work.

Here is just a few of mine, what can you come up with?

Yes I know this is satire, read the prophets they used it as well..

John 3:16

I have decided to do a paraphrase of John 3:16 to make it more modern, to bring it inline with our culture and times. I am basing this on observation of what preachers teach that Jesus brings people. If you can think of others please feel free to add them in.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not drive a chevette but race through life in a corvette.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not ever be sick but have good health in this present life.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not be poor in finances(regardless of their spending habits or work ethic) but have riches that fall from the sky so they can enjoy them without work.

Here is just a few of mine, what can you come up with?

Yes I know this is satire, read the prophets they used it as well..

Friday, August 04, 2006

Emergency room,car chase, etc part 2

Part 2

After chasing our blessings outside of Jasper, we stopped at a gas station. Looking up from the road, we saw a restaurant that neither one of was aware existed. So we went in and ate lunch. We took the opportunity to give some tracts to the server. The bottom fell out of the sky, the winds blew, and thunder resounded all around us. We took the time to pray for the people in the restaurant and elsewhere in Jasper that God spare any unbelievers another day to hear the gospel.

We left the restaurant and had to turn away from town, because there was no way to cross the median there. Before we reached a place to turn around, I saw a sign for the city landfill (dump). Remembering that earlier, on the show I believe, Richard said he felt worthy of preaching at the city dump. So we decided to follow the signs to the dump. When we reached the dump, it was closed. We also saw a police firing range and some junked cars near the fence. After preaching about 5 mins from Job (to the cars and fence), we left. Why did we preach with no one around? Because practice is always good, and you never know what God is using something for. I simply trusted God would use this to accomplish something. I will one day know the reason why.

Richard reminded me that we could reach the west side of Jasper by continuing down the road we where on, so we kept going. We took the time to place some tracts in newspaper boxes when available. Arriving in west Jasper, we spied a park, so we stopped to pray God allow us to preach to the neighborhood there one day.

After leaving the park, found a guy walking a large dog on a large chain. Stopped and gave him a Million Dollar Bill (Secret Service edition). From him the Lord led us down a side street that crossed Hwy 69. As I approached Hwy 69, I see a car parked with three people standing in the road talking. I asked God if He wanted me to talk to them, nothing came back, but I assumed the fact my attention was drawn to them was enough of an answer.

We crossed Hwy 69 and parked near the car. I jumped out and said, ”this may sound crazy, but I can not stand seeing people standing around without giving them money.”. I gave them a Million Dollar Bill each. I was planning on getting back in the car, but felt the need to try and share the gospel verbally. So I asked, ”have you ever gotten amillion dollars before?” They answered no. “Has anyone ever asked you the million dollar question? Do you a few minutes so I can ask you?” The lady responded she had to go meet her husband, but asked me to come back. I said “we might be able to.”

She started to drive off, and I turned around to leave as well. She got to the Hwy 69, then stopped car, got out and started heading back to us. Richard I exchanged glances, and wondered if this was going to be bad or good. Well, it was good. She thanked us for doping this, asked us where we went to church, and explained this area really needs what we are doing. We gave her ”Save yourself some pain” and a Gospel of John that we were creating for giving out to the community that included the gospel and Ten Commandments. She was almost in tears.

Thank You God for that Divine Appointment.

You may ask, how I knew that God was leading me to a Divine Appointment. What gave me the faith to follow this signs?
I believed that Jesus commanded us to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” I therefore had faith that wherever this journey ended it would be in the world, and there would be a creature that I could preach the gospel to. So I trusted God to lead me to people in order I could obey His command.

I also trusted that God’s Word would not return to Him void without accomplishing His purposes. So as long as I used His Word, I knew it would accomplish His purposes.

I also trusted that God works everything to good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. So I knew that He would use this for good, even if I was off base.

So whether or not it was God leading us, or just us having fun (we did). I trusted God to use it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Emergency Room, Car Chase, City Dump, Divine Appointment

Emergency Room, Car Chase, City Dump, and Divine Appointment

What do all the above have in common? A very interesting Saturday afternoon. One Saturday after finishing our radio show, Jasper Harvest, Richard and myself headed out to share the gospel. We had no particular place to go, usually we go to a park or the mall, unless the Lord led us in a different direction. Well before we get to the park Richard makes a comment about not wanting to go to the emergency room. I believe my driving was the cause of the statement, even though my driving has brought Richard closer to the Lord in prayer.

When I pull into the park it looked dead, so I said,” you want to go to the emergency room, huh? He said,” no.” We decided that if the Lord was trying to reach someone in the emergency room it would be better to drive ourselves there than let the Lord make other arrangements. So we head for the emergency room. On the way we saw a carwash at Wal-Mart. Richard commented that it was refreshing they were not using young ladies in revealing clothing to draw business. I agreed that I appreciated it.

I felt that after the emergency room we should come back and give tracts to them. We went to the hospital in Jasper, and left tracts on all the floors, in the emergency room. On the way out of the Hospital, I saw a couple coming down the hall. I knew at that moment this couple was the reason we where there. So I gave them a couple Million Dollars, tracts.

We went from there back to Wal-Mart. We ended up behind a car with a licsense plate that says “stlblsd”. Richard commented on it, and we followed in to Wal-Mart behind them. We parked and went to the car wash people. It turns out they were part of a church group(explains clothing) and they give out tracts from Living Waters also. So I thanked them for being faithful, gave them my card and offered to help train them to share the gospel.

It started raining so we got back in our car and left Wal-Mart. We found ourselves behind the same car we followed in. So we decided, like most Christians, we where going to chase our blessings. We figured what is the chance that we would get behind them again, so we took it as a sign. So we decided to follow them to see where the Lord would lead us. Since we had not eaten lunch yet, I was hoping they were going to eat dinner.

We followed them out of town, beginning to hope the Lord was not calling us to Memphis or Little Rock today. They pulled into a gas station just outside of town, and… I will finish this later.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

City Stages

City Stages

City Stages came once again to Birmingham. I have in years past always avoided the place because of the crowds, and music. This is the first year I have attended. I must admit I did have a purpose that overrode my on selfish desires. I realized that there would be people there who were still on a path to hell. People who have never been warned of the wrath to come, why it is coming, or to Whom they must flee.

The four hours spent at City Stages Saturday ended up being one of the most encouraging outing I have been on yet. I had three others join me. My beautiful wife (Ginger), my ministry partner(Richard) and his wife (Misty). Richard is hosting a WOTM Basic Training Course at his home and all of us our going through it. I believe this course has grown us all to become better sowers. Let me share with you what happened.

My wife has shared the gospel 4 times before City Stages; she has been passing out tracts on a regular basis. Probably on average 10 a week. Well at City Stages in a four-hour period she shared the full gospel with at least 5 people that I know of. She also encouraged Misty in giving out tracts as well. She also did the question for cash portion of my second O/A. She was so scared, but finally pushed through the fear.

Richard also did so much more. He has shared the gospel with a few people before City Stages, but Saturday He also shared with approx. 4 people. He also passed on many tracts. City Stages, is I believe, the first time he swung to the gospel from a tract. Previously he had shared with family and friends. Hopefully I can get him to post a story that really touched him, the last person he shared with. Richard left the man with the law, because he was not ready to hear grace.

Misty had a phenomenal day. She has, to my knowledge, never shared the gospel with anyone. She is reserved and usually just goes to work, comes home, and hangs out with her husband. She has been actively doing the WOTM Basic Training course. She started greeting strangers, leaving tracts around. Last Tuesday she role-played the gospel with my wife. She did a great job and left nothing out. Well Saturday she took it a step further. She gave out more tracts than she did at Doo Dah Day, but the exciting thing is that she gave the full gospel(she gave every example) to a stranger she had given a tract to.

The lady asked her,”What is this, is it religious?” Misty told her no, “It is a gospel tract” The lady asked her, “what does it say?” So Misty then went into the gospel with her. She was showing signs of conviction and according to others the lady boyfriend was joking around at first then his mouth shut also.

I believe the Lord made that a divine encounter, and since Misty had taken the pains to prepare to share the gospel, the Lord brought her an opportunity to do so.

I am so proud of the team the God had allowed me to lead to City Stages. They have went from loyal friends who supported me with prayers and presence, to full fledged seed sowers.

Glory to God in all these things. It is only Him at work in us that drives us to reach the lost.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Jesus friend of sinners?

Was Jesus a friend of sinners?

Many claim that they do what they can to bring sinners into the church, even if it means not talking about sin, righteousness, judgment, and the wrath to come or any doctrine that is distasteful. They base this on the fact Jesus was friend of sinners. I ask you is Jesus a friend of sinners? Prove it!

Well what about Matthew 11:19 were Jesus says He is a friend to sinners? Well let’s look at it.

The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

If you notice Jesus says that they say He is a friend of sinners. So far no proof yet that Jesus was indeed a friend of sinners. Luke 7:34 records also that Jesus was accused of being a friend of sinners.

In fact Jesus said in John 15:14,15 that we are His friends if we abide by His commandments.

Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

So the scripture does not actually say that Jesus was a friend to the sinner. You could ask, “ but didn’t Jesus hang out with sinners.” Yes He did. In fact, Jesus went to were sinners were, whether it is the Temple of God or a party. The truth is that there is no scriptural evidence that suggests that Jesus brought (unrepentant) sinners into the Temple. An abundance of evidence shows that Jesus took the Temple to the (unrepentant) sinners. (John 2:19)

Jesus never brought a sinner into the House of God, Jesus always took God to the sinner’s house.

So do you want to love the sinner like Jesus did, then ask Him to help you. Study how He interacted with sinners and do the same.

You want to be like Jesus, are you sure? Jesus took the gospel to the sinners were the sinners hung out. Jesus in fact kicked some sinners out of the Temple (John 2:14,15) So quit trying to modify you church service, removing things that offend (unrepentant) sinners so you can draw them in.

The very thing that you remove because it offends is more than likely the very thing that God has chosen to convict sinners of their sin and therefore drive them to the cross.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Re-ingnite L.A.

Hey this link will take you to a friends website. It is a PDF and if you scroll down He talks about our trip to L.A. I encourage you to read it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Do Dah Day Outreach

I will be leading a team of seed sowers (people sharing the gospel) to Do Dah Days on May 20th. We need your prayers and support. Please pray for us. The following list will give you an idea of what to pray for. If the Lord lays it on your heart to be an answer to one of these prayers, you can contact me at

What we need is

1.People praying that God raise up laborers to assist.
2. People praying the God prepare the hearts and minds of those attending to understand the gospel.

3. People praying that God protect the laborers and their families before and after the event from attacks of the devil and the flesh.
4. Laborers that are willing to join us simply as on-the-spot prayer partners and rent-a-crowd.
5. Laborers that are able to or willing to be trained to pass out tracts.
6. Laborers that are able or willing to learn how to share the gospel.
7. Laborers that are able or willing to learn how to draw-a-crowd and Open/Air preach.
8. Pocket sized New Testaments, Gospel booklets.
9. Tracts( need tracts that give the Law before Grace like those found at Million Dollar Bills, Pink and Blue Illusions being two of the best for this situation.

* rent-a-crowd - a crowd draws a crowd. So if you would like to help but are not comfortable with giving out tracts, this is an excellent way to help.

Flat tire witness

I was on my way home last Wed. I had gone to Jasper, Al to get some letters of recommendation for a job, and to talk to a ministry partner. I had not wanted to go, but had no choice. I ended up staying later than planned.

On the way, back I saw a van with a flat tire on the side of the road. I stopped to offer assistance. The elderly gentlemen was on his way to pick his daughter up from work. I looked and found were the spare should be, and it was empty.

Because of where he lived and the distance to where his daughter worked, I was not comfortable just dropping him off somewhere. I called my wife for guidance. She told me to do what I believed was the right thing to do. So I took his rim off and gave him a ride to Wal-Mart (knowing that it would be hard to make it to church on time).

At Wal-mart, I offered a Million Dollar bribe to expedite the process. The first person refused it. However, the people working on the tires did agree to do it first after I explained the situation. Since I still had a few million(tracts) left over I gave it to them as a thank you.

I talked to Jim (the man with a bad tire) on the way there and back. he had lost a both brothers at young ages. He had raised his daughter alone. He was now disabled and unable to work. He actually gave me about 4 different segways into the gospel.

I finally took one, and began to share the gospel. He claimed to be a good person, but before finishing I discovered He is a believer. He had also made sure his daughter knew the Lord. I asked if it was okay to pray for him and his daughter Angela. He said okay.

I do not know about everyone else, but I love praying for people I meet. I gave a general prayer for blessing and guidance. As he was walking away, the Lord put it on me to ask if I could pray about anything specific.

He did have on request. He told me, and then I said, "your name is Jim, and your daughter's name is "Peggy", right?" He gave me a shocked and amazed look. He told me that it was Angela, but her mother's name was Peggy. He said that she was strung out on drugs and needed prayer to. Angela had tried to have relationship in the last couple of years but the mom refuses.

So I prayed this time for God to send the gospel to Peggy and let her understand it. I prayed for reconciliation between mom and daughter. I asked him if he regularly attended church. He confessed he left a church recently because of the preaching not being pure. I exhorted him to find a church, reminding him that no perfect one existed.

I believe God put Peggy's name in my mouth, to touch that man in a way that he could not doubt God brought us together that day. He even said that he believes that God flattened his tire. I believe he is correct.

Praise the Lord.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Walker County and update

Walker Country

I would like to apologize for not making an update here in months. So I will try and catch everyone up.

My heart is drawn to Jasper in Walker County. I have been praying for old friends from school, ex-coworkers. Most of these I have not seen since I became a Christian. We have been doing a Bible study in Jasper for almost a year now. My dad came for the first time last night(praise God!!).

A few months back I was called and asked to come do a one-day job. I went out to work but God had other plans. The business owner forbid us to start working until he called to give the go signal. We waited three hours, then decided to go out and get something to eat.

I was able to share the gospel with our waitress. She was in tears by the time we were done. She did not make a profession of faith, and I recommended she go home that night and read a couple chapters of John and ask God what she should do.

This was the first time I had done a 1-2-1 witness in over 4 weeks. When she walked away I told me friend and ministry partner, Richard, “I am shaking.” My arms were literally shaking I was so nervous.

After lunch, I started to take him home and go visit my parents. However, I felt like there was something else that needed doing. I had determined that no matter what was going through the business owner’s head, God had a reason for me to be out there. So I asked Richard if he wanted to go downtown and preach, pass out tracts etc. he said he would love to.

When we got down there, it was hard to engage people in conversation. Mainly because there was very few people to engage. I am weary of running across a courtyard at people to catch them between their cars and going inside. Therefore, we prayed that God help us reach or accomplishes what he wanted us to do there. After praying, we were led to go down the street in a direction we have not gone before.

The Lord led us to a building with storefronts for rent. I called, received the price, which was reasonable. It would make a good place for a mission type church. At the end of the building was a Christian Radio Station. It is Joy Christian Radio 1240 AM in Jasper. It also broadcast in Centre, and Alexander City on another frequency.

I said, “Why not?” Then we walked in and talked to the station owner. It was providential that he was there, he actually works out of all three offices. There is only someone at the station a couple days a week. I told him we were thinking of starting a ministry in Jasper that would be geared toward reaching the lost with the Gospel. We wanted to bring in other church to be co-laborers. He said if we run into road blocks, let him know and he would help.

When we walked out of there, Richard said he would sponsor a radio show if I wanted to do one. A few months later Harvest Radio was born. It took a few months for me to be sure, it made me nervous thinking about representing God on the radio. We started with 30-minute show on Sat 10:30am-11:00am. The week we decided, we needed to go an hour, the station manager told us he would place on the other two stations for free. He would do that until someone else asked to buy the time. He would then give us first choice.

I never saw a radio program coming out of this, and then to be on three stations was unthinkable. I do ask for your prayers that we do what God placed us there to do. I ask that you pray for God to continue to guide us and bless those things He is pleased with.

We are planning on starting to invite Christians through the show, and other channels to join us in learning how to share the gospel. There is an 8 week course we are considering doing, and we can also do a one day event. I ask that you pray that God lift up laborers to join with us in the harvest in Jasper and Walker County. I also ask that you pray that God provides a place for us to meet to do this training, that people come and are equipped, and pray that God provide resources to do this.

We prefer to give out pocket Bibles when witnessing to people, usually New Testament. We can carry more in our pocket and, fanny packs. We of course use tracts from such as the Million Dollar Bill, Pink and Blue Illusions, the Smart Card for example. We would like to be able to provide those to the participants without having to charge them.

So please pray for our wish list above that God provide them. I also ask that you make a special unrelated request that God provide portable amplification for when we do Open Air preaching. God had been faithful to take my voice further that I thought it could go, and I have resisted asking Him for amplification. However when the winds are bad or a lot of background noise is present it will help take the good news further.

God Bless each and every one of you for your support, prayers, and love.