
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Flat tire witness

I was on my way home last Wed. I had gone to Jasper, Al to get some letters of recommendation for a job, and to talk to a ministry partner. I had not wanted to go, but had no choice. I ended up staying later than planned.

On the way, back I saw a van with a flat tire on the side of the road. I stopped to offer assistance. The elderly gentlemen was on his way to pick his daughter up from work. I looked and found were the spare should be, and it was empty.

Because of where he lived and the distance to where his daughter worked, I was not comfortable just dropping him off somewhere. I called my wife for guidance. She told me to do what I believed was the right thing to do. So I took his rim off and gave him a ride to Wal-Mart (knowing that it would be hard to make it to church on time).

At Wal-mart, I offered a Million Dollar bribe to expedite the process. The first person refused it. However, the people working on the tires did agree to do it first after I explained the situation. Since I still had a few million(tracts) left over I gave it to them as a thank you.

I talked to Jim (the man with a bad tire) on the way there and back. he had lost a both brothers at young ages. He had raised his daughter alone. He was now disabled and unable to work. He actually gave me about 4 different segways into the gospel.

I finally took one, and began to share the gospel. He claimed to be a good person, but before finishing I discovered He is a believer. He had also made sure his daughter knew the Lord. I asked if it was okay to pray for him and his daughter Angela. He said okay.

I do not know about everyone else, but I love praying for people I meet. I gave a general prayer for blessing and guidance. As he was walking away, the Lord put it on me to ask if I could pray about anything specific.

He did have on request. He told me, and then I said, "your name is Jim, and your daughter's name is "Peggy", right?" He gave me a shocked and amazed look. He told me that it was Angela, but her mother's name was Peggy. He said that she was strung out on drugs and needed prayer to. Angela had tried to have relationship in the last couple of years but the mom refuses.

So I prayed this time for God to send the gospel to Peggy and let her understand it. I prayed for reconciliation between mom and daughter. I asked him if he regularly attended church. He confessed he left a church recently because of the preaching not being pure. I exhorted him to find a church, reminding him that no perfect one existed.

I believe God put Peggy's name in my mouth, to touch that man in a way that he could not doubt God brought us together that day. He even said that he believes that God flattened his tire. I believe he is correct.

Praise the Lord.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I love this story! Isn't it amazing what God will do when we humble ourselves and allow Him to do His work?