Whew…what a weekend!
By Ginger Reeves
Franklin and I decided to go witnessing Friday night after our home group meeting. On the way to the fishin hole (5 Points South), I fell asleep in the car. Once we got there, Franklin asked if I wanted to stay or go home. I said let’s go ahead since we were already down here.
We got out and made our way to our spot. Got there and nobody’s around. Kinda suprising given it was a nice evening and it was a little later than we usually come.
But I looked across the street and saw a lot of people hanging out. We head over there. Oh, did I mention our 3 y/o son is with us? We cross the street and James immediately runs up to this large fountain, kinda the center piece foe the area and is jabbering about its various decorations. So Franklin has walked over and is talking with this gentleman, named Chip. I start praying for him. Then ask, do You want to jump up and start open airing right here, right now? I didn’t.
Franklin finishes with Chip and joins James and I at the fountain. I look around and tell him There are a lot of people praying around here. He says Really? Where?
About that time a small group of young people stands up and joins hands and starts praying, out loud. He waits until they finish, then walks up to them. James and I sit down on the steps and are playing. There is another small group of ladies that is watching us. They go talk to the men with Franklin for a moment, then come talk to me. I tell them I am his wife, as I point to Franklin.
They tell me they are with a local church and are out witnessing to folks as part of a class they are taking at their church! I couldn’t believe it. These were kids, 18 and 19 years old. We made small talk for a few minutes, then I asked them I have 3 minutes to live, how do I get to Heaven? One said ask forgiveness of sins and ask Jesus into your heart. Ok, but doesn’t Scripture say that the heart is deceitfully wicked so why should He want to live there? Another said He will make it clean as snow and pure as a lamb. Ok, but what is sin? Disobeying God’s Word.
By this point, the men had all walked up and we all took hands and prayed for one another. It was so awesome to see other people out sharing God’s Word with the hungry and hurting in our city!
The next day we hit Homewood Park and I did an o/a with about 5 kids present the whole time, and several adults passing by. My good person goes to private school in Shelby County and knew the verses I quoted. But the look on his face when the law was opened up before him revealed it was new to him. Also, the same look when I gave him the money he did not earn or deserve since he was not a good person was priceless. Franklin was able to 2 1-2-1’s while we were out. It was a great weekend serving our awesome and mighty God!!