The Greatest Command
Jesus says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30, NIV). This command is not new. You can find it in Deuteronomy 6:5, where the only thing left out is the mind. I always wondered why Jesus added the word “mind,” or why God left it out. I believe the answer lies in the languages used to write the passages. The answer will unfold as we examine each component.
The word “heart” in Deuteronomy refers to the mind and comes from a root word that means “to get intelligence.” It also refers to the seat of the appetites or emotions of a person. In the Hebrew language, appetites, desires, and emotions had some connection with the mind.
The word for heart found in Mark 12:30 denotes the physical and spiritual center of life. It refers to the emotional characteristics of the mind, such as desire, passion, and appetites. This word for heart excludes the rational side of the mind, and I believe that is why Jesus adds the word mind in Mark 12:30. The word “mind” in Greek refers to thoughts and the process of thinking. It therefore takes both Greek words, heart and mind, to accurately reflect the Hebrew word for heart.
In Genesis, God gave Adam life by breathing into his nostril. The word “soul” in both languages refers to breathing. The soul refers to an eternal part of our makeup, the very core of who we are. This essence of who we are also affects our desires, appetites, emotions, and thoughts.
Strength in both Greek and Hebrew refers to might, power, and ability. Strength implies that we are to love God with our actions and abilities. I have the ability to troubleshoot and repair problems with technical equipment. It would be unwise for me not to use that ability in showing my love to God.
Many times we use examples or paraphrasing to help us understand passages. This paraphrase helps me to understand it: Love the Lord your God with all your desires, appetites, thoughts, emotions, with every breath you take, and through action with all of your ability and power. As with all the positive commands, it is hard to define a requirement for this one. It would be easier if He had specified us a minimum amount of time and work we were to do for Him. You know 15 minutes of prayer and Bible study in the morning and at night and we could check it off. But no, He wants it all. You see He does not want one day in seven, He wants every second of our life.
My wife uses an analogy that I believe makes a valid and true point. This analogy can also help you gauge where you are when it comes to the loving God command. My wife, Ginger explains, “When I met you and fell in love with you, I wanted to tell everyone about you. I would catch myself mentioning you every time I talked to someone. When you love someone you talk about them.” Ginger hit the nail on the head with this analogy; we talk about the things that are important to us, things we love. Do you talk about God or Jesus outside of Sunday morning?
I created this site to share with others my journey into evangelism, open air preaching, and other aspects of the my call to serve the Lord. I also hope to hear from others and their endeavors and to offer ways for people to participate. The evangelist along with the pastor, teacher, Apostles, and Prophets are given to the church to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. I hope to do my part in equipping the saints to share their faith, and serve God according to thier gifts.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Evangelism Basic Training Camp –Sheffield Alabama
Evangelism Basic Training Camp –Sheffield Alabama
July 24-27 2008
Are you a Christian that has decided it is time to learn how to share your faith with others? Are you a Christian that has been sharing your faith but want to take it to another level? Are you a Christian that is comfortable sharing your faith in different venues and just want to come alongside others to reach an area with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Are you a pastor who has been thinking about starting or improving a door-to-door ministry? Are you a Christian who is unconformable with the thought of walking up to strangers or friends to share the gospel, but you have a strong desire to pray for people who approach you for prayer? Do you feel called to open air preach but do not know how to start.
Have I got good news for you, and I am not talking about car insurance. The first ever Evangelism Basic Training Camp (EBTC) at Sheffield, Alabama is the answer. The Muscle Shoals Area EBTC is designed to equip each Christian to reach not only The Shoals Area but their own home towns with the gospel of Jesus Christ according to their own gifts and callings. EBTC will have leaders that are experienced in door-to-door evangelism from the host church (Ekklesia Church), prayer station evangelism, open air evangelism, street witnessing, workplace evangelism, and friendship evangelism. You will be trained by experts in each of this areas.
While this is the first all inclusive EBTC of Muscle Shoals Area, many of the leaders have all attended/led at Evangelism Boot Camps before, and all the leaders are experienced in the area they will be leading you in.
We encourage you to seek the Lord in fervent prayer to see if this EBTC is right for you. Hotel room, breakfast, and dinner will be provided in the tuition cost of $230.00. (If you can only come on Saturday the 26th fill out application and we will contact about cost) Do not delay only a limited number of applicants will be accepted.
Can’t come but really want to, consider sponsoring another camper from your church or make a donation and we will find someone who needs the sponsorship.
If you want to come copy the following application into your mail client, answer the questions and send it to Once you have been accepted you will receive an email with further instructions.
EBTC - Sheffield Application
1. Name
2. Full Address
3. Email
4. contact number
5. Are you a Christian?
6. Briefly give your testimony.
7. Are you an active member of a local church? Please provide the name of your church and denominational affiliation if any.
8. Have you ever, verbally or by using tracts, shared your faith? Give an example. If no, are you willing to partner with someone who has in order to pray with/for that person and learn to do so yourself?
9. Have you ever done door-to-door witnessing, street witnessing, or open air preaching (not required to come to camp)?
10. Would you be able to attend the full camp from the evening of the 24th to the morning of the 27th? If not do you want to just attend one day on the 26th?
11. Have you ever listened to Hell’s Best Kept Secret, True and False Conversion, seen the Way of the Master TV program, or read the book The Way of the Master? If yes, which one and what did you take away from the message?
12. We do not require you to be using the Way of the Master method but we do ask that you listen to Hell’s Best Kept Secret and True and False Conversion before arriving at camp.
13. Are you willing to pray for the leaders of the camp, the people we will come in contact with that God will send His Spirit before us to prepare the harvest?
July 24-27 2008
Are you a Christian that has decided it is time to learn how to share your faith with others? Are you a Christian that has been sharing your faith but want to take it to another level? Are you a Christian that is comfortable sharing your faith in different venues and just want to come alongside others to reach an area with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Are you a pastor who has been thinking about starting or improving a door-to-door ministry? Are you a Christian who is unconformable with the thought of walking up to strangers or friends to share the gospel, but you have a strong desire to pray for people who approach you for prayer? Do you feel called to open air preach but do not know how to start.
Have I got good news for you, and I am not talking about car insurance. The first ever Evangelism Basic Training Camp (EBTC) at Sheffield, Alabama is the answer. The Muscle Shoals Area EBTC is designed to equip each Christian to reach not only The Shoals Area but their own home towns with the gospel of Jesus Christ according to their own gifts and callings. EBTC will have leaders that are experienced in door-to-door evangelism from the host church (Ekklesia Church), prayer station evangelism, open air evangelism, street witnessing, workplace evangelism, and friendship evangelism. You will be trained by experts in each of this areas.
While this is the first all inclusive EBTC of Muscle Shoals Area, many of the leaders have all attended/led at Evangelism Boot Camps before, and all the leaders are experienced in the area they will be leading you in.
We encourage you to seek the Lord in fervent prayer to see if this EBTC is right for you. Hotel room, breakfast, and dinner will be provided in the tuition cost of $230.00. (If you can only come on Saturday the 26th fill out application and we will contact about cost) Do not delay only a limited number of applicants will be accepted.
Can’t come but really want to, consider sponsoring another camper from your church or make a donation and we will find someone who needs the sponsorship.
If you want to come copy the following application into your mail client, answer the questions and send it to Once you have been accepted you will receive an email with further instructions.
EBTC - Sheffield Application
1. Name
2. Full Address
3. Email
4. contact number
5. Are you a Christian?
6. Briefly give your testimony.
7. Are you an active member of a local church? Please provide the name of your church and denominational affiliation if any.
8. Have you ever, verbally or by using tracts, shared your faith? Give an example. If no, are you willing to partner with someone who has in order to pray with/for that person and learn to do so yourself?
9. Have you ever done door-to-door witnessing, street witnessing, or open air preaching (not required to come to camp)?
10. Would you be able to attend the full camp from the evening of the 24th to the morning of the 27th? If not do you want to just attend one day on the 26th?
11. Have you ever listened to Hell’s Best Kept Secret, True and False Conversion, seen the Way of the Master TV program, or read the book The Way of the Master? If yes, which one and what did you take away from the message?
12. We do not require you to be using the Way of the Master method but we do ask that you listen to Hell’s Best Kept Secret and True and False Conversion before arriving at camp.
13. Are you willing to pray for the leaders of the camp, the people we will come in contact with that God will send His Spirit before us to prepare the harvest?
Monday, April 07, 2008
Chosen One of God
Chosen One of God
In the days of Isaiah
And the prophets of old
It’s been said
And it was foretold
A savior would come
The chosen one of God
and He would heal His fold
He would be rejected
His very life sold
Numbered with transgressors
Though the courts found no fault
They raised Him up
And He died on that cross
placed His body in a rich man’s vault.
and all hope was lost
But after three days
All the saints give praise
All the saints give praise
The Chosen One of God
was raised!!!
In the days of Isaiah
And the prophets of old
It’s been said
And it was foretold
A savior would come
The chosen one of God
and He would heal His fold
He would be rejected
His very life sold
Numbered with transgressors
Though the courts found no fault
They raised Him up
And He died on that cross
placed His body in a rich man’s vault.
and all hope was lost
But after three days
All the saints give praise
All the saints give praise
The Chosen One of God
was raised!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Recipe for a Loving Marriage
Recipe for a Loving Marriage
1 Cup of loving attention from the groom.
1 Cup of respectful attitude from the bride.
1 heaping tsp. of letting go by the parents.
1 Large egg of daily prayer together.
1 Large egg of separate prayer for each other.
1 Cup of the oil of humility.
2 Cups of forgiveness. (one from each)
Equipment needed
1 Blender to join the two and make them one.
1 Pan of God’s grace to hold them together through the hot times.
1 Oven of life that uses extreme heat to rise the marriage to the height and the taste the Baker desires.
1 Cup of loving attention from the groom.
1 Cup of respectful attitude from the bride.
1 heaping tsp. of letting go by the parents.
1 Large egg of daily prayer together.
1 Large egg of separate prayer for each other.
1 Cup of the oil of humility.
2 Cups of forgiveness. (one from each)
Equipment needed
1 Blender to join the two and make them one.
1 Pan of God’s grace to hold them together through the hot times.
1 Oven of life that uses extreme heat to rise the marriage to the height and the taste the Baker desires.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
White as Snow
Did you see the snow today? I am one of the few that welcome the snow, one of those that pray for snow, hope for snow, and really want to see it falling out of the sky and sticking to the ground. I was overjoyed this morning as the flurries came and then grew. Yes I know that the snow will melt and possible turn to ice. Yes, I know that people may loss power and therefore heat. Yes I know that some may loss money from missing work. However, it warms my heart and feels me with joy when I see the snow.
As some of you know, and others may have been unaware, the March for Life Rally was today. Dear friends of my wife and I were participating and publicly confessing their sin, and God's redemptive powers in hopes that two things will happen. One hope is that another lady that is still trapped in the anguish over committing an abortion will find healing. Another hope is that by testifying about the damage it had done to their life and expressing the regret they have another lady may choose life for the child they are currently carrying. I am focusing on the women, but the fathers are touched as well. Many now come forward and tell of their own pain at losing the opportunity to be a father to a precious child, many of the fathers have also found healing as well. Sometimes we forget that not only does this affect the child and mother, but the father and those that encourage or provide this service have shame, guilt, or condemnation hanging over them. They also need to come to God for healing, for reconciliation, for hope.
As my family was heading to Brother Bryant Park, I was feeling a little guilty over my desire for snow. I was feeling this because the event might be hampered by the snow. Some of the ladies were considering backing out because of the weather, and others that could come and begin the healing process might stay away. I was glad to see that many still came out to show support for an end to abortion, to show support for life. As we were driving I could not help to keep thinking about the snow, it was even invading my thoughts on the event.
Suddenly part of a verse came to mind. White as snow, that even though their sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow. I have been thinking about that all day. I was just looking out my back window at my shed. The roof had been covered in some green moss, but I could no longer see it because of the white snow. It brought to mind other things that were ugly and scarred that had turned to beauty as they were covered in snow. Old rusted out cars, yards covered in leaves or trash, holes in the roads, etc.. All these things that were not lovely become lovely when covered in snow. It is amazing how the blanket of snow can change ugliness into beauty. Maybe that is why I like the snow.
There is also ugliness inside of all of us. This ugliness, this sin that is inside and manifest outwardly through our thoughts, words and deeds. Whether it manifest as having or encouraging someone to abort their child, whether it is a lie or stealing, whether it is simply a look with lust which Jesus said is adultery of the heart. Regardless of how it has manifested in each one of us, the good news is that it can be covered in something that will make us as white as snow. Not simply the ugliness covered like the moss on the roof of my shed, this goes much deeper. This cleansing makes me white as snow inside and out. I thank God, that through the blood of Christ I have become new, that I have found healing and cleansing. I pray that if you have not found healing today that you would seek God for it. If you have never turned from your sin, confessed it, and put youth trust in Jesus Christ and His ability to cleanse you please do so. Jesus came into the world with no ugliness of sin inside or out. He lived a life of never sinning, then took upon Himself all of our sin. He took the punishment due us from God. He died on a cross for our sins, then He rose on the third day proving that God found His sacrifice acceptable. If we will trust in Him, we will be made white as snow.
If you have had an abortion and would like to receive help in healing, I can introduce you to a lady that has found healing and can help you do the same. If you are a father that has participated in this act we can help you find help in the healing as well. If you know of anyone still hurting have them contact me and I will have someone contact them.
I am glad it snowed today.
Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
Psalm 51:7
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow
As some of you know, and others may have been unaware, the March for Life Rally was today. Dear friends of my wife and I were participating and publicly confessing their sin, and God's redemptive powers in hopes that two things will happen. One hope is that another lady that is still trapped in the anguish over committing an abortion will find healing. Another hope is that by testifying about the damage it had done to their life and expressing the regret they have another lady may choose life for the child they are currently carrying. I am focusing on the women, but the fathers are touched as well. Many now come forward and tell of their own pain at losing the opportunity to be a father to a precious child, many of the fathers have also found healing as well. Sometimes we forget that not only does this affect the child and mother, but the father and those that encourage or provide this service have shame, guilt, or condemnation hanging over them. They also need to come to God for healing, for reconciliation, for hope.
As my family was heading to Brother Bryant Park, I was feeling a little guilty over my desire for snow. I was feeling this because the event might be hampered by the snow. Some of the ladies were considering backing out because of the weather, and others that could come and begin the healing process might stay away. I was glad to see that many still came out to show support for an end to abortion, to show support for life. As we were driving I could not help to keep thinking about the snow, it was even invading my thoughts on the event.
Suddenly part of a verse came to mind. White as snow, that even though their sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow. I have been thinking about that all day. I was just looking out my back window at my shed. The roof had been covered in some green moss, but I could no longer see it because of the white snow. It brought to mind other things that were ugly and scarred that had turned to beauty as they were covered in snow. Old rusted out cars, yards covered in leaves or trash, holes in the roads, etc.. All these things that were not lovely become lovely when covered in snow. It is amazing how the blanket of snow can change ugliness into beauty. Maybe that is why I like the snow.
There is also ugliness inside of all of us. This ugliness, this sin that is inside and manifest outwardly through our thoughts, words and deeds. Whether it manifest as having or encouraging someone to abort their child, whether it is a lie or stealing, whether it is simply a look with lust which Jesus said is adultery of the heart. Regardless of how it has manifested in each one of us, the good news is that it can be covered in something that will make us as white as snow. Not simply the ugliness covered like the moss on the roof of my shed, this goes much deeper. This cleansing makes me white as snow inside and out. I thank God, that through the blood of Christ I have become new, that I have found healing and cleansing. I pray that if you have not found healing today that you would seek God for it. If you have never turned from your sin, confessed it, and put youth trust in Jesus Christ and His ability to cleanse you please do so. Jesus came into the world with no ugliness of sin inside or out. He lived a life of never sinning, then took upon Himself all of our sin. He took the punishment due us from God. He died on a cross for our sins, then He rose on the third day proving that God found His sacrifice acceptable. If we will trust in Him, we will be made white as snow.
If you have had an abortion and would like to receive help in healing, I can introduce you to a lady that has found healing and can help you do the same. If you are a father that has participated in this act we can help you find help in the healing as well. If you know of anyone still hurting have them contact me and I will have someone contact them.
I am glad it snowed today.
Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
Psalm 51:7
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow
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