“Why do only 5% of Christians ever lead anyone to Christ?”
I had a friend and pastor ask me one time, “Why do you think statistics show only 5% of Christians ever lead anyone to Christ?”
Many quote this statistic as a reason for not sharing the gospel or as an excuse for not leading someone to Christ. However I think that statistic makes sense only if you look at another figure. Bill Bright is his book The Coming Revival, reported that “only two percent of believers in America regularly share their faith in Christ with others” (New Life Publication, p. 65)
Could the answer be that simple? Can the reason most Christian never lead someone to Christ is because they do not share the gospel with others on a regular basis? Yes, I believe it is that simple.
How do you become good at something? You first study it, then you do it. At first you will not be very good, and you will struggle and even mess up. If you continue to practice what you are learning to do then it becomes second nature. However if you only do it a couple times at first, then a couple times a year after that, you will never become good at it.
Try becoming good at golf by watching a video, taking a couple practice swings, and going to the golf course for a game twice a year. How good will you get? Not very. What is the chance you will sink a hole in one or even two? Not very likely.
Well we do that with evangelism, we either never learn to share or faith, or we learn and never practice it. Without practicing it we never become comfortable or even good at it. Our lack of knowledge reduces the chances we will lead anyone to Christ. Our lack of practice causes difficulty in verbalizing the gospel, which reduces our chances of leading anyone to Christ.
Now let assume you have learned to do it and you have practiced it enough that it is second nature for you to explain the gospel. Your chances of leading someone to Christ is perhaps 3 out of 10 ( just picking a number to give as example). You still have to share the gospel with 10 in order to lead the 3 to Christ. If you only share the gospel 7 times this year, you might miss the opportunity to lead someone to Christ.
I believe that lack of knowledge keeps many away from sharing Christ to others. I believe that amongst those that know how, lack of practice keeps them from leading someone to Christ. Then for those who have knowledge and that have practiced enough in the past to have the presentation down pat, they do not share the gospel enough to lead anyone to Christ.
That is the easy answer and it is true for most of us.
Is it possible for someone to have the knowledge, and practice sharing the gospel enough to have it down pat, do it on a regular basis (with the lost) and not lead anyone to Christ?
It is possible. Our command was to preach the gospel to every creature, and to make disciple of all nations. That command does not guarantee us that we will lead anyone to Christ, and out of obedience we may toil for many years if not forever without leading another to Christ. You could be a sower or waterer all of your life and another gets the pleasure of reaping. I have sown and I have reaped. Reaping is more fun but without sowing there is no reaping. I can even tell of one incident were I sowed or watered, and a few minutes later another part of the team I was with reaped.
I only encourage you to learn to share the gospel, use intense practice in the beginning so you can become comfortable, and then do it regularly for the rest of your life. You will be blessed and more importantly you will be a blessing to many.
I created this site to share with others my journey into evangelism, open air preaching, and other aspects of the my call to serve the Lord. I also hope to hear from others and their endeavors and to offer ways for people to participate. The evangelist along with the pastor, teacher, Apostles, and Prophets are given to the church to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. I hope to do my part in equipping the saints to share their faith, and serve God according to thier gifts.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Fear of Man
Fear of Man
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book called Do You Love Me? The book will tackle Evangelism and how that figures into our love for Jesus.
Almost every time I choose to withhold the gospel from someone, it is because of the fear of man. I am afraid they will think I am crazy. I am afraid they will attack me verbally or physically. I am afraid I will offend them by insinuating they are not a Christian or a good person. I am afraid if they are atheist, Buddhist, homosexual, or fill-in-the-blank, they will think I am being judgmental. My biggest fear is they know me and will bring up my sins from long ago … or from last week.
I was on the way to the hospital to visit a friend, Melissa, who had a blood vessel burst in her head. Her brother is one of my longest, lasting friends. I had been sharing the gospel, using questionnaires, with an EE team in a public location. I was thinking it was easier for me to share with strangers than with family, and that, other than my immediate family, Melissa and her family would be the hardest to share with. I went to the hospital with the plan to pray for her and comfort her family. I had not expected to see Melissa, figuring she would not be allowed visitors outside the family. However, I was allowed to see her, and her mother specifically asked that I go and pray for her.
I went into the Intensive Care Unit where Melissa’s bed was. I talked to Melissa and asked if I could pray for her. She said she would appreciate it, and I prayed for her. I have a CD by Casting Crowns and one of the songs is a narrative of a person asking God to give him words to speak. His friend is dying and instead of sharing Jesus, he lets fear move him into talking about the weather again. I have loved, listened, and been effected by this song for over a year. When I met with Melissa in the hospital, I had just learned how to share the gospel and was sharing it with strangers. I knew I could not walk out of her room without attempting to share the gospel.
I said, “I am dying to ask you two questions.” (I almost stopped right there because of the stupid way I began my presentation. Do not use the word dying improperly when talking to a patient in ICU). She said I could ask my questions. She answered the EE diagnostic questions in a way that lead me to believe she was not saved. I then asked permission to share the gospel, and she allowed me to share. I shared the gospel and finally asked her for a commitment. The nurse asked me to leave, because visiting hours were over (not because I was sharing gospel). I am sure Melissa is still not saved, but I did lead her brother to Christ a few weeks later. I now do a Bible study in her mother’s house where she currently lives. She has not joined us, but I will continue to pray and will talk to her again about the gospel.
I have shown you that you can mess up and still share the gospel. I have shown you that you can lead even those who know your worst sins to Christ. The power is in the seed, not the sower. The Word of God, spoken or read, works with the Holy Spirit to bring salvation to every creature that trusts in the work Christ did.
My next example is proof of that. I thought sharing the gospel with my family would be the hardest. A few months after speaking with Melissa in the hospital, I started thinking about how hard it would be to share the gospel with my ex-wife. It would be difficult to speak to her without her thinking I wanted to change her into a better person. I was on the way to her house to pick up my oldest boys when that familiar, quiet voice let me know I would share with her that day. At first, I begged God to send another messenger. Then, realizing that He had chosen me for this, I begged Him to give me the words and attitude that would not be condescending to her. I begged that He prepare her heart to understand and receive the words.
My wife and I had been praying for my ex-wife’s salvation, protection, and for God to draw her and her husband to Himself if they were already saved. I realize now that God had sent someone to share the gospel with them, but that person had remained quiet for almost two years. To make a long story short, my ex-wife made a profession of faith that day.
On my way home, I just started crying. One reason for my tears was I had come to Christ while I was still married to my ex, and I did not do the most important thing a husband should do: share and show Christ to his wife. The second reason I cried was because God allowed me to fix one of the mistakes I had made in that relationship by telling my ex-wife about the true gospel. The third reason for my outpouring of emotion was I had reason to believe my oldest boys will see their mom in heaven one day, and they will not have to worry about her salvation.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book called Do You Love Me? The book will tackle Evangelism and how that figures into our love for Jesus.
Almost every time I choose to withhold the gospel from someone, it is because of the fear of man. I am afraid they will think I am crazy. I am afraid they will attack me verbally or physically. I am afraid I will offend them by insinuating they are not a Christian or a good person. I am afraid if they are atheist, Buddhist, homosexual, or fill-in-the-blank, they will think I am being judgmental. My biggest fear is they know me and will bring up my sins from long ago … or from last week.
I was on the way to the hospital to visit a friend, Melissa, who had a blood vessel burst in her head. Her brother is one of my longest, lasting friends. I had been sharing the gospel, using questionnaires, with an EE team in a public location. I was thinking it was easier for me to share with strangers than with family, and that, other than my immediate family, Melissa and her family would be the hardest to share with. I went to the hospital with the plan to pray for her and comfort her family. I had not expected to see Melissa, figuring she would not be allowed visitors outside the family. However, I was allowed to see her, and her mother specifically asked that I go and pray for her.
I went into the Intensive Care Unit where Melissa’s bed was. I talked to Melissa and asked if I could pray for her. She said she would appreciate it, and I prayed for her. I have a CD by Casting Crowns and one of the songs is a narrative of a person asking God to give him words to speak. His friend is dying and instead of sharing Jesus, he lets fear move him into talking about the weather again. I have loved, listened, and been effected by this song for over a year. When I met with Melissa in the hospital, I had just learned how to share the gospel and was sharing it with strangers. I knew I could not walk out of her room without attempting to share the gospel.
I said, “I am dying to ask you two questions.” (I almost stopped right there because of the stupid way I began my presentation. Do not use the word dying improperly when talking to a patient in ICU). She said I could ask my questions. She answered the EE diagnostic questions in a way that lead me to believe she was not saved. I then asked permission to share the gospel, and she allowed me to share. I shared the gospel and finally asked her for a commitment. The nurse asked me to leave, because visiting hours were over (not because I was sharing gospel). I am sure Melissa is still not saved, but I did lead her brother to Christ a few weeks later. I now do a Bible study in her mother’s house where she currently lives. She has not joined us, but I will continue to pray and will talk to her again about the gospel.
I have shown you that you can mess up and still share the gospel. I have shown you that you can lead even those who know your worst sins to Christ. The power is in the seed, not the sower. The Word of God, spoken or read, works with the Holy Spirit to bring salvation to every creature that trusts in the work Christ did.
My next example is proof of that. I thought sharing the gospel with my family would be the hardest. A few months after speaking with Melissa in the hospital, I started thinking about how hard it would be to share the gospel with my ex-wife. It would be difficult to speak to her without her thinking I wanted to change her into a better person. I was on the way to her house to pick up my oldest boys when that familiar, quiet voice let me know I would share with her that day. At first, I begged God to send another messenger. Then, realizing that He had chosen me for this, I begged Him to give me the words and attitude that would not be condescending to her. I begged that He prepare her heart to understand and receive the words.
My wife and I had been praying for my ex-wife’s salvation, protection, and for God to draw her and her husband to Himself if they were already saved. I realize now that God had sent someone to share the gospel with them, but that person had remained quiet for almost two years. To make a long story short, my ex-wife made a profession of faith that day.
On my way home, I just started crying. One reason for my tears was I had come to Christ while I was still married to my ex, and I did not do the most important thing a husband should do: share and show Christ to his wife. The second reason I cried was because God allowed me to fix one of the mistakes I had made in that relationship by telling my ex-wife about the true gospel. The third reason for my outpouring of emotion was I had reason to believe my oldest boys will see their mom in heaven one day, and they will not have to worry about her salvation.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Skate Board for One
Skate Board for One Million Dollars.
Sunday November the 6th I met some kids skateboarding at a park in Jasper. Why was I in Jasper? I had went there to visit the a local church that a good friend of mine attends. Part of the reason was to make up for not being able to attend a function he had invited me to earlier. Part of the reason was to visit him and his family because I love them and like to be around them. However the major reason is because my parents live in Jasper. I was hoping that by taking their grandchildren to a church out there they might join us.
I look for any excuse I can to get my mom and dad to visit a church. Not because you have to go to a church to become a Christian or stay a Christian, but because I have shared the gospel with both and at this time I believe they are not saved. I was hoping that by getting them to church, that they would hear God’s word more and from someone else. Hoping they would be more accepting if it was from some other than their son.
Well to get to the story, I was walking around the park with that friend I had mentioned. My children was with us as well. His wife and Ginger were not present at the park with us. We walked around talking about family, church, evangelism, etc.. We came upon some kids with skateboards outside the recreational center. They had came over to use the bathroom, since skateboarding is not allowed at the center.
I only had one tract, a million dollar bill, so I decided to go back and continue our conversation. I told my friend that I wish had the “pink and blue” illusion tract to open a conversation with the boys. As we were walking away I decided I could not walk away from them without at least trying. So I said to my boys and Richard, “come one lets go to were those kids are.”
We walked up and I started talking to them about skateboarding. I asked them if they though the could grind the rail going down the stairs. I quickly added that I was not asking them to break the rules by showing me, was just interested if they could. We talked for a minute about what they could do. I then pulled out the million dollar bill and asked them if they had ever seen one of these. One of the kids said, “I will sell you my skateboard for a million dollars!”
I told them I only had one but wanted to give it to one of them. I told them I prefer giving it to a good person. I asked if any of them were good. They said to give it to him, pointing at Seth, out of us he would be your choice for one that is most good. I Seth if that was true. He said compared to his friends it was true.
I said, do you mind if I ask you a few questions to see if it’s true. He said sure. I went on to ask Seth, and then the others, if they had ever lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, and honored their parents. It turns out that all of them had broken at least two three of the Ten Commandments. I asked Seth if he would be innoncent or guilty if he was judged by those standards. He said guilty. I then asked the rest and they agreed they would be guilty as well. I asked, “would you go to heaven or hell?”
They said hell. I asked if it concerned them. They agreed that going to hell concerned them. I asked if they knew what God did so they would not have to go to hell? I went on to give them the parachute illustration for trusting in Christ, they courtroom illustration for their fine being paid even though they were guilty.
I asked them if they had Bibles and they did. I told them to read the first couple chapters of John, and to think about what we had talked about. I reminded them that I was concerned about them and they need to be as well.
You may be thinking you could have not done that, because you know nothing about skateboarding. I know nothing about skateboarding, but the kids I was talking to did. All I had to do was ask them a couple questions about their favorite subjects, themselves and skateboarding.
If you will take genuine interest in people and what they like, opportunities to witness as a friend will open up to you.
Oh, my friends, we are loaded down with countless church activities, while the real work of the Church, that of evangelizing and winning the lost, is almost entirely neglected. -Oswald J. Smith
Sunday November the 6th I met some kids skateboarding at a park in Jasper. Why was I in Jasper? I had went there to visit the a local church that a good friend of mine attends. Part of the reason was to make up for not being able to attend a function he had invited me to earlier. Part of the reason was to visit him and his family because I love them and like to be around them. However the major reason is because my parents live in Jasper. I was hoping that by taking their grandchildren to a church out there they might join us.
I look for any excuse I can to get my mom and dad to visit a church. Not because you have to go to a church to become a Christian or stay a Christian, but because I have shared the gospel with both and at this time I believe they are not saved. I was hoping that by getting them to church, that they would hear God’s word more and from someone else. Hoping they would be more accepting if it was from some other than their son.
Well to get to the story, I was walking around the park with that friend I had mentioned. My children was with us as well. His wife and Ginger were not present at the park with us. We walked around talking about family, church, evangelism, etc.. We came upon some kids with skateboards outside the recreational center. They had came over to use the bathroom, since skateboarding is not allowed at the center.
I only had one tract, a million dollar bill, so I decided to go back and continue our conversation. I told my friend that I wish had the “pink and blue” illusion tract to open a conversation with the boys. As we were walking away I decided I could not walk away from them without at least trying. So I said to my boys and Richard, “come one lets go to were those kids are.”
We walked up and I started talking to them about skateboarding. I asked them if they though the could grind the rail going down the stairs. I quickly added that I was not asking them to break the rules by showing me, was just interested if they could. We talked for a minute about what they could do. I then pulled out the million dollar bill and asked them if they had ever seen one of these. One of the kids said, “I will sell you my skateboard for a million dollars!”
I told them I only had one but wanted to give it to one of them. I told them I prefer giving it to a good person. I asked if any of them were good. They said to give it to him, pointing at Seth, out of us he would be your choice for one that is most good. I Seth if that was true. He said compared to his friends it was true.
I said, do you mind if I ask you a few questions to see if it’s true. He said sure. I went on to ask Seth, and then the others, if they had ever lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, and honored their parents. It turns out that all of them had broken at least two three of the Ten Commandments. I asked Seth if he would be innoncent or guilty if he was judged by those standards. He said guilty. I then asked the rest and they agreed they would be guilty as well. I asked, “would you go to heaven or hell?”
They said hell. I asked if it concerned them. They agreed that going to hell concerned them. I asked if they knew what God did so they would not have to go to hell? I went on to give them the parachute illustration for trusting in Christ, they courtroom illustration for their fine being paid even though they were guilty.
I asked them if they had Bibles and they did. I told them to read the first couple chapters of John, and to think about what we had talked about. I reminded them that I was concerned about them and they need to be as well.
You may be thinking you could have not done that, because you know nothing about skateboarding. I know nothing about skateboarding, but the kids I was talking to did. All I had to do was ask them a couple questions about their favorite subjects, themselves and skateboarding.
If you will take genuine interest in people and what they like, opportunities to witness as a friend will open up to you.
Oh, my friends, we are loaded down with countless church activities, while the real work of the Church, that of evangelizing and winning the lost, is almost entirely neglected. -Oswald J. Smith
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