
Sunday, October 02, 2005

What is missing in Evangelism

What is missing in evangelism?

Love - Loving someone enough to warn him or her of the wrath to come. Rev. 6:16 ,2 Cor. 5:11, Mat. 3:7

Law - The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul...Psalm 19:7.

Law - Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ Gal. 3:24

I am not a professional minister, but I do share the gospel with real people in real situations.

I talk to people about Christ. I do it a few different ways, and none of the ways did I event. I learned from others either through listening, watching, or participating. This means that you to can do the same.

1) Tracts - I give out gospel tracts that are fun to give and receive. People take them and even read them out loud in public places. Therefore, unbelievers have become preachers of the gospel in such places as Taco Bell.

2) 1-2-1's -I share the gospel to individuals, pairs, and occasionally three people at a time. I use four different ways to initiate this process.

a) tract - I say hello to a stranger, give them a gospel tract and depending on the tract I swing from the natural to spiritual. For example one tract is a Million Dollar Bill, I ask them if they have ever been asked the million dollar question? They say no, then I ask them if I can. If the say yes I proceed by asking them if they are a good person or if they are good enough to go to heaven. I have never had anyone offended by this approach. ( I just began using tracts is this way in Sept. 2005 and have shared with more than 20 people these way.)

b)Questionnaire - I learned to share the gospel with Evangelism Explosion. I took in on Thursday mornings so instead of visiting church visitors, we did questionnaires. I have shared 20-40 people this way. No one have been offended and I led two people to a profession of faith Thursday, God has allowed me to watch, help, or lead many to Christ this way.)

c)As I go - As I am talking to friends, relatives, and strangers with no plan to share the gospel, I get this feeling that I need to share the gospel. I try and fight it off, but my strength is waning and have a hard time winning the battle. I shared with a worker in an amusement park and he accepted Christ. This same voice led me to share the gospel with my ex-wife when picking up the kids. She also made a profession of faith.

3) Open Air - This is a new one, I did it twice in August in preparation for an Evangelism Boot Camp in Seattle. I went to the boot camp specifically to see this done by those doing it, and practice it. I have done it over ten times now. It is very hard the first time ( I was anxious from the time I gave in to the Spirit until I jumped up on a park bench, but now I only have to fight thru the fear when I arrive at the location)

Before Jan. 2005 I had only told the gospel to my two oldest boys. This was after washing the Jesus video, and they asked why they were hurting Him.

I took Personal Evangelism in the seminary as part of getting a counseling degree. The Evangelism Explosion way used by the seminary allowed me to learn a gospel presentation, watch someone (while I prayed) share the gospel, and eventually share the gospel with an experienced trainer present to take over if I lost my place. Many times I had to turn to my trainer when I got lost, or a really good objection.

I also became aware of a program called the Way of the Master,

Between reading Soul Winner by Spurgeon, getting OJT in sharing the gospel, and learning Hell’s Best Kept Secret from the Way of the Master, I was equipped to share the gospel. I believe that if more churches would equip their members, by OJT(discipleship) in addition to preaching then more members would share the gospel. However many pastors/ministers themselves do not share the gospel, outside the pulpit) and until they learn to do so, and practice it they are not able to equip.

My best friend was saved 4 months ago. He is giving out tracts with me, had done questionnaires, and believes he will be ready to share the gospel vocally one day. I encourage and allow him to help were he is comfortable, and each time his comfort zone stretches.

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