What is idolatry? In a nutshell, idolatry is the creating and or worshipping a false god. It can be one that was created in physical form such as a golden calf, or one that is created in the mind. Both are displeasing to the one true God.
I would like to tackle the idolatry that is mainly in the mind. I am going to ask you some questions to help you determine if you serve a god conceived in the mind of man or the God revealed in the Bible.
- Do you worship a God that is love? (1 John 4:8)
- Do you serve a God that has always existed and will always exist?(Psalm 90:2)
- Do you serve a God that is long-suffering (patience)? (Exodus 34:6,7)
- Do you serve a God that is compassionate? (Exodus 34:6.7)
- Do you serve a God that is Holy (separate/different from everything else)? (Isaih 6:3)
- Do you serve a God that is angry at sinners? (Psalm 5:5,6)
- Do you serve a God that did create a place of eternal punishment?(Matthew 25:41, Revelation 21:8)
- Do you serve a God that will send people to an eternal place of punishment? (Revelation 20:15, 21:8)
If you answered no to any of those questions then you are not worshiping the one true God. It is possible that you have not been told all these things about God, it is possible through your own studies you have not found these passages. I must also mention that is not an all inclusive list of God’s characteristics that He has revealed through His Word. I encourage you to read your Bible daily, Old and New Testament seeking out who God is, so when you do worship and serve, you know who you are serving and worshipping.
That kind of covers those who may be worshipping a god, believing it is God, but because of not studying the scriptures has been led into this idolatry. They would be similar to the ones who worshipped gods created by another’s hand.
What about those who are creating this false god in the minds of others. If you (as a pastor, evangelist, Sunday school teacher, or Christian) do not convey an accurate image of God to others, you are creating idols for them to worship in their minds. If you only talk about His wrath you are creating a God who is wrath, while God is love. If you only talk about God and His love, you are creating a God that has no wrath in the minds of those you influence.
I encourage you to go back through the list and see if you cover all of these characteristics of God when you describe Him to people. Do you tell people God hates sin but loves the sinner? Read Psalm 5:5,6 and see if you are talking about God or an idol you are creating in their minds, and maybe your own.
Do you have to cover every characteristic of God every time you talk to someone or every sermon you preach? No! I challenge you to ask yourself if you tend to always focus on one side, therefore ignoring another aspect. This creates idols in others minds, even if you know the truth.
So I challenge you this day, determine to worship the one true God, and to quit creating idols in the minds of men that lead them into idolatry and away from the true God.
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