
Friday, October 26, 2007

Possible move to Korea

Some of you are already aware that Ginger and I are looking into going to South Korea for 1 year. I wanted to give everyone the background on that. This is the first installment when we were asking people to pray. I will post later what happened a week ago in this process. Here is the orgional email I sent out.

Ginger and I are making plans to spend 1 year in South Korea. We wanted to give you a heads up and a rough idea of what is happening. There are two major aspects to what we will be doing there, work and ministry.

The work consist of teaching English as a Second Language to Koreans, ranging anywhere from Kindergartners to University Students or business people. This will be worked out in the contract. It is something I have been considering since 2002. However, the timing was never right and I would have not been prepared for the ministry component.

The ministry portion will be similar to what we do here, in that we will be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world. How this will happen will depend on the location we settle in. It will be a mixture of 1-on-1 evangelism, open air preaching (if people speak English, or God gives me a translator to work with), and sharing the gospel as part of service such as volunteering to teach English at an Orphanage, local church, or in our apartment using the Bible, worship and praise songs, etc. Part of this is also in equipping Christians in Korea to share their faith Biblically using the Law to prepare the hearts for Grace.

You may be asking how can we pray, I am glad you asked. Here are some bullets of what is happening and what needs to happen.

1) Employment offer from a reputable school, preferably,

a. Public School

b. 3rd-grade and older

c. In an area that God has chosen for us to work.

2) Transportation – The cost of my plane ticket will be reimbursed within a month of arriving, but Ginger and James will not.

3) Accommodations – We will either be provided housing or will receive housing allotment

4) Salary – Salary is between 2 and 3 million won. Preferably 3 million won would be great. However, with no experience, 2 million is more likely.

5) Paperwork – Need passports (Ginger and James) and visa for all of us to not have any hiccups.

6) We need the house to sale at a good fair price.

7) We need to sell the cars.

8) We need to wisely decide what to take, store, sell, give away, and throw away.

9) Furniture and appliances – Some contracts will have furniture, since we need a bigger place than a single person does, ours may not be.

Is this a move that is in God’s will for us?

1) In March of 2005 a general command to every Christian was made personal to me when I heard from my Radio, listening to a teaching called How to Find God’s Will for You Life, these words, “Frank, go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Since Korea is in the world, and creatures are there it seems to be a good place..

2) I have been longing to do this for a few years, in other words a desire in my heart.

3) I want to move into teaching field, and the practical experience will help cover the requirements in getting certified to teach here in America.

4) When talking to Mick, of Mick and Rick fame, about being a missionary, he looked at me and said you aught to become a teacher since that is a vast mission field.

5) Thursday while at work the Lord gave me this scripture Gen. 12:1

I have lots of passwords at work and have to chg them constantly. So a few months ago I started using scripture. I needed a new password about a month or so ago that had to have three letter one special character and three numbers. I decided to use he abbreviation for Genesis but could not think of a verse so I just choose 121 as an easy to remember number. Today as I was using it, I felt like I should go and read it. Since I had already read Gen. 1:21 after I picked that number, I went to Gen. 12:1 instead and this is what I read.

Genesis 12

1Now the Lord had said to Abram:

“Get out of your country,

From your family

And from your father’s house,

To a land that I will show you.

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