I created this site to share with others my journey into evangelism, open air preaching, and other aspects of the my call to serve the Lord. I also hope to hear from others and their endeavors and to offer ways for people to participate. The evangelist along with the pastor, teacher, Apostles, and Prophets are given to the church to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. I hope to do my part in equipping the saints to share their faith, and serve God according to thier gifts.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Velvet Elvis, repainting or obscuring the Chrsitian faith
I had a number of people recommend Velvet Elvis to me, and interestingly, they all said basically the same thing. “You might not agree with everything Bell has to say, but there’s a lot of good stuff in there.” Each separate individual who recommended this book all gave a similar disclaimer, that there would be some things I wouldn’t agree with.
Because of this, I figured that when I read the book, I would likely agree with maybe 80% of what was written, and find 20% objectionable. But when I started to actually read the book, I found that my guess was grossly inaccurate.
To the contrary, I found myself underlining objectionable content on almost every page! I was shocked by the many errors of Velvet Elvis. This book was hardly 80% truth and 20% questionable. Page after page I found major heresies, aberrant theology, and in some cases bizarre conclusions based on very flimsy Biblical interpretation.
I have categorized the errors of Velvet Elvis as follows:
Heretical Errors:
• Wrong View of the Trinity
• Wrong View of the Exclusivity of Christianity
• Wrong View of the State of Mankind
• Wrong Gospel
Aberrant Theology:
• Wrong View of Jesus’ Purpose
• Wrong View of Heaven and Hell
• Wrong View of Rabbinic Judaism
• Wrong Hermeneutics
• Wrong Influences
Bad Conclusions:
• You Don’t Have to Defend Doctrine
• You Should Not Preach the Gospel with Words
These errors are hardly minor, and they should concern us greatly. Considering the profound influence Rob has been enjoying lately, especially among younger Christians, the fact that he misrepresents the Trinity, the gospel, and our Christian mission is no small matter.
It’s one thing for me to claim that Rob has made these errors, and it an entirely different thing for me to prove it. That is the purpose of this review - to show in Rob’s own words that he consistently misrepresents the authentic Christian faith in his book, Velvet Elvis.
To read the full review click here.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Qoutes from Famous Preachers
I am not mentioning any names for these preachers. I also ask if you are aware of who they are you refrain from naming them in any post you make. I want to discuss their views in this blog, and how to spot false teachers, not expose the teachers themselves. So please read and let me know if these are false doctrines, which means teachings by the way. Maybe you agree with these quotes your response is welcome as well.
Do you agree with this famous preacher?
Adam was a super being when God created him. I don't know whether people know this, but he was the first Superman that really ever lived. First of all, the Scriptures declare clearly that he had dominion over the fowls of the air, the fish of the sea - which means he used to fly. Of course, how can he have dominion over the birds and not be able to do what they do? The word "dominion" in the Hebrew clearly declares that if you have dominion over a subject, that you do everything that subject does. In other words, that subject, if it does something you cannot do, you don't have dominion over it. I'll prove it further. Adam not only flew, he flew to space. He was - with one thought he would be on the moon.
How about this famous preacher?
"I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is...The biggest one in the whole Bible is God...I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least - that's a big loss, man....Now, the reason you don't think of God as a failure is He never said He's a failure. And you're not a failure till you say you're one."
Do you agree with this famous preacher?
“This is part of the problem with continually insisting that one of the absolutes of the Christian faith must be a belief that ‘Scripture alone’ is our guide. It sounds nice, but it is not true. In reaction to abuses by the church, a group of believers during a time called the Reformation claimed that we only need the authority of the Bible. But the problem is that we got the Bible from the church voting on what the Bible even is. So when I affirm the Bible as God’s Word, in the same breath I have to affirm the when those people voted, God was somehow present, guiding them to do what they did. When people say that all we need is the Bible, it is simply not true”
“The people who eventually wrote all of this down [the Bible] weren’t sitting there with their hand and the pen moving as if controlled by some outside force.
The writers of the Bible had agendas”
Do you agree that Adam did fly and went to the moon?
Do you agree with our second quote that God is the biggest failure?
Would you agree the only reason He is not a failure is because he did not call it failing?
How about our third and fourth quote.
Would you agree that scripture alone as our guide is not true?
Would you agree that we can’t really be sure the Bible is the Word of God because some church voted on which books to put in the Bible? (not how it really happened)
Do you believe, like this preacher, that the writer’s agenda, and not God’s agenda won out in writing the Bible?
Does it seem odd that of the over 40 writers over a two thousand year period all had the same personal agenda? Or would it make more sense to realize that there was one agenda that worked out the writing of these scriptures?
The preacher of the third and fourth quote finds it hard to believe that,” God was somehow present, guiding them to do what they did.” I have heard some say he has a low view of scripture, I would say that he has a low view of God. His god is not sovereign or powerful enough to give us his word and deliver it purely to us in a way we can understand. His god is sorely lacking in ability, power, and wisdom.
One thing you can learn from these preachers is that
1) Not everyone that preaches is preaching the Word of God.
2) Not everyone who uses the Bible believes the Bible is the Word of God.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Possible move to Korea
Ginger and I are making plans to spend 1 year in South Korea. We wanted to give you a heads up and a rough idea of what is happening. There are two major aspects to what we will be doing there, work and ministry.
The work consist of teaching English as a Second Language to Koreans, ranging anywhere from Kindergartners to University Students or business people. This will be worked out in the contract. It is something I have been considering since 2002. However, the timing was never right and I would have not been prepared for the ministry component.
The ministry portion will be similar to what we do here, in that we will be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world. How this will happen will depend on the location we settle in. It will be a mixture of 1-on-1 evangelism, open air preaching (if people speak English, or God gives me a translator to work with), and sharing the gospel as part of service such as volunteering to teach English at an Orphanage, local church, or in our apartment using the Bible, worship and praise songs, etc. Part of this is also in equipping Christians in Korea to share their faith Biblically using the Law to prepare the hearts for Grace.
You may be asking how can we pray, I am glad you asked. Here are some bullets of what is happening and what needs to happen.
1) Employment offer from a reputable school, preferably,
a. Public School
b. 3rd-grade and older
c. In an area that God has chosen for us to work.
2) Transportation – The cost of my plane ticket will be reimbursed within a month of arriving, but Ginger and James will not.
3) Accommodations – We will either be provided housing or will receive housing allotment
4) Salary – Salary is between 2 and 3 million won. Preferably 3 million won would be great. However, with no experience, 2 million is more likely.
5) Paperwork – Need passports (Ginger and James) and visa for all of us to not have any hiccups.
6) We need the house to sale at a good fair price.
7) We need to sell the cars.
8) We need to wisely decide what to take, store, sell, give away, and throw away.
9) Furniture and appliances – Some contracts will have furniture, since we need a bigger place than a single person does, ours may not be.
Is this a move that is in God’s will for us?
1) In March of 2005 a general command to every Christian was made personal to me when I heard from my Radio, listening to a teaching called How to Find God’s Will for You Life, these words, “Frank, go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Since Korea is in the world, and creatures are there it seems to be a good place..
2) I have been longing to do this for a few years, in other words a desire in my heart.
3) I want to move into teaching field, and the practical experience will help cover the requirements in getting certified to teach here in America.
4) When talking to Mick, of Mick and Rick fame, about being a missionary, he looked at me and said you aught to become a teacher since that is a vast mission field.
5) Thursday while at work the Lord gave me this scripture Gen. 12:1
I have lots of passwords at work and have to chg them constantly. So a few months ago I started using scripture. I needed a new password about a month or so ago that had to have three letter one special character and three numbers. I decided to use he abbreviation for Genesis but could not think of a verse so I just choose 121 as an easy to remember number. Today as I was using it, I felt like I should go and read it. Since I had already read Gen. 1:21 after I picked that number, I went to Gen. 12:1 instead and this is what I read.
Genesis 12
1Now the Lord had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father’s house,
To a land that I will show you.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Wrong Time to Preach the Gospel.
One question that invariable comes up when encouraging others to preach (proclaim, speak, share) the gospel is, “when is a good time to bring up the things of God?” Or another way of putting is, “when is the right time or wrong time to witness to someone?” Believe it or not there is a wrong time to preach or proclaim God’s word in general and the Gospel in particular. Some of my friends will be balking now because they believe there is no bad time, that every chance you get is a good time. Well I do have a scripture reference that makes it clear there are situations or times were preaching the word would not be as fruitful as other times. At the conclusion of this article, I will give those people the verse.
I have been giving this some thought and before we can look at situations wherein wisdom dictates we withhold the Gospel from those sinking into hell, we need to understand what affect preaching the Gospel or Word of God has on sinners. We know from examples in scripture that there are three responses, 1) the sinners gets saved, 2) the sinners become angry, hateful, full of wrath even to the point of violence,(Stephen in the book of Acts) 3) the sinner is apathetic( no response at all) to the Word preached. From those three options you appear to have two safe options for your well being when you share the gospel. But on further study of those who are saved, I realized that in some situations even if the person is saved it could bring you the preacher great pain and suffering. While I admit on the surface it seems impossible that one who has just been saved from the wrath of God, through the mercy that Jesus purchased, would want to hurt the bearer of the good news, it is possible they might do so anyway.
Consider this fact, that fear and trembling quite often accompany salvation and also those who are on the verge of salvation when they hear the Word of God. God, speaking through the Prophet Isaiah, advised He will only look to those who have a poor and contrite spirit and who trembles at His word. (Isaiah 66:2) Through the Prophet Jeremiah, God says that when he cleanses the citizen of Israel and Judah from all their sins that they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and prosperity He is going to provide.” (Jer. 33:4-9)
So when you witness to some one it is possible that they will have fear and trembling that God has saved them, anger that you have showed them they are not good before God, or they will not care at all.
Consider these possible reactions as you decide you have enough love in your heart to warn your dentist to flee the wrath to come, to throw himself at the foot of a bloodstained cross because he is so evil only the blood of Jesus is sufficient to cleanse him. Do you talk to the dentist after he is done working or before he start filling that cavity or performs a root canal? Does he get so angry with you that he can’t see straight, or does tears start streaming down his face and his hand trembles as he relishes the love of Jesus that is now shed abroad in his heart?
Can you visualize that your dentist is holding the drill trembling in anger or love as it approaches your somewhat numb but stills sensitive tooth. Or you could have talked to him about his lying, thieving, adulterous heart before his gave you the Novocain injection. That needle could be the instrument that is held in his trembling hand, and if he is angry with you, he may choose to not give you as much Novocain before the trembling hand brings the drill.
Imagine you give into the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and in love, you decide to share the Gospel with the nurse that is putting in your I.V. You asked them “If you were to die today and stand before God, and He asked you why should I allow you into my Heaven? What would you tell Him?” The nurse tells you that she tried to do good, and she is basically a good person. As she is prepping the I.V. you explain to her that if she has ever told one lie she is a liar and all liars have their part in the lake of fire which is the second death. You tell her the if she has ever stolen she is a thief an no thief will inherit the kingdom of Heaven. She stops preparation and asks what must I do to be saved. You explain to her that Jesus Christ lived a perfect sinless life, always obeying the Father, that He died on a cross becoming a curse, taking the full wrath of God upon himself so that she could be saved. That God gave a sign that He accepted Jesus payment by raising Him from the dead. That all she has to do according to Jesus is repent (turn from) of her sins, and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died to cleanse her of her sins. With tears streaming down her face, she prays to God thanking Him for His gift and asking Jesus to cleanse her. Now she turns back to doing her job, and with trembling hands, and vision blinded by tears puts the I.V. in your arm.
You could also imagine a barber using scissors to trim around your ears as you witness to him, the brain surgeon that comes to visit you right before you go under, your partner in the bomb squad as he diffusing a bomb, and many other instances were you would pay a personal price for speaking up at the wrong time.
I am sure that there are still a few die hards that would say that there is no wrong time; even in these instances the eternal fate of those people is far more important to a needle going in wrong, or a drill running around the mouth drilling holes in teeth that are not numbed. Well for those people let me give the verse that proves Biblically that there are wrong times. 2 Tim. 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. (NKJV) See the Bible does says there is an out of season for preaching the Word. However, on closer look it does appear we are still to do it even if it is out of season.
I guess the dentist, nurses, and barbers will not be the only ones trembling as we share the Gospel with them from now on, but perfect love will cast out fear of what might happen. We know it is far worse for them to fall into the hand of the living God, who is a consuming fire, if they die in their sins than anything that could happen to us now.
By Franklin L. Reeves
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Evangelism Boot Camp Birmingham
We had participants from Alabama, Missouri, Washington, New Jersey, Texas, and Norway. Each one made an impact on the efforts to reach Birmingham with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The activities ranged from simple passing out a tract, to sitting down and talking to a person about the gospel, and open air preaching, and just open air reading of God's Word.
One of the highlights was a local native of Alabama (not affiliated with GNN, EBC, or anyone in our group) volunteered to translate Andreas(Norway)'s proper English into southern English. It was the most entertaining preaching I have ever seen. However the importance and seriousness of the message was not lost on the hearers, or the translator.
We also have a link to the EBC photo video under the links sections of this website, so enjoy. I hope to also have other clips of the event posted here for you pleasure and instruction later.
I am also hoping some of the campers can come and share some their experiences for you.
P.S. We had a guest preacher Paul Washer of Heart Cry Missionary Society talk to us about evangelism. Part 1 of his message can be downloaded or streamed by clicking this link. http://www.jasperharvest.org/radio/PWEBC11.mp3
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776.
It was not an easy decision for the fathers of this country start a revolution against Great Britain. They tried, again and again, to get the King to treat them fairly. They asked for no special treatment, they merely wanted to have a say in what happened to them. Taxes and laws were passed and applied to the colonist without anyone present to represent them. It is hard sometimes to understand why they were so upset by a few cents in tax back then, and we are happy with 10-30% or our income being taxed now. However we chose the people that set our tax rates and create our laws, they had no say period.
In May of 1775 many still hoped to reach a peaceful settlement with the King. In a last-ditch effort they sent an Olive Brach Petition to the King, it was only after the King once again snubbed them that they declared independence.
In the movie the “Patriot” Mel Gibson’s character tell the South Carolina legislature, “Why should I trade one tyrant 3,000 miles away, for 3,000 tyrants one mile away.” It was so funny, because some times it feels so true.
Many of us remember these words from the declaration of Independence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
A provocative question in my mind is, are we created with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
The truth is that when God lifted another people out of the bonds of slavery in order to create a new nation, He forbids them to murder. The 6th Commandment, written by the finger of God on a tablet of stone, says “Thou Shall not murder.”
God had reserved the right to take life to Himself, and to governments for committing serious crimes. No individual has the right to take life particularly for their own gain.
The other claim made by Jefferson and agreed to by the signers of the Declaration of Independence is the right to liberty. Liberty is defined as “the state of being free from control or restriction” or the “right to act, believe, or express one self’s as one chooses” or “the state of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.”
When God established the nation of Israel, He said that “if anyone bought a Hebrew slave he had to freed after 6 years.” Since kidnapping someone was punishable by death, these slaves were ones that sold themselves into slavery. (Ex. 21:16)
Our very own Liberty Bell has this scripture quoted, Lev. 25:10 10And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants.
In one instance of them violating this God spoke thus to them,
7“Therefore thus says the Lord: ‘You have not obeyed Me in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother and every one to his neighbor. Behold, I proclaim liberty to you,’ says the Lord—‘to the sword, to pestilence, and to famine! And I will deliver you to trouble among all the kingdoms of the earth. (Jer. 36:17)
So it looks like God took this Liberty thing pretty serious. God even values freedom in that He allows us to choose whether or not we obey Him. Of course there are rewards and consequences for following or not following His Laws much like there are penalties for violating civil law.
C.S. Lewis said, “Without free will, man would not be created “in the image of God.” With it, he has the power to defy God’s wishes and to bring misery on himself and others.”
You can tell a lot about a man by what he does with this freedom. What are you doing with yours?
A.W. Tozer said, “The important thing about a man is not where he goes when he is compelled to go, but where he goes when he is free to go where he will.”
The last thing to look as it the pursuit of happiness. One thing I like is that it says pursuit and not attaining. Many of us have come to realize that life comes with up and downs. While we can increase our happiness by creating habits that are good for us, and breaking habit that are bad, we still must remember that no man is an island and others choices will bear on our happiness.
Did God give us a right to pursue happiness. Well based on the fact He gave us Liberty and Life, it appears that we may pursue happiness.
It is important to remember that God did tell this new nation(Israel) that He was giving them a land flowing with milk and honey. He also gave them laws, if obeyed, that would prosper them in this land.
So believing that God did give us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, what have you done with it? You have been given freedom to go where you will, so were have you went? Many believe that freedom allows the good people to show goodness and the wicked to show the truth of their wickedness.
Do you consider yourself to be a good person? By whose standards. Compared to Hitler most of look good, but are we really good? Let’s choose a good standard that most everyone agrees on, the Ten Commandments. This was given to that new nation (Isarael) long ago and three major religions agree that it is a standard of goodness.
Let’s just look at three or four.
Have you ever told a lie? (9th) Have you ever stonel anything, regaurdless of value or age, and please be honest? (8th) Have you ever looked at another person with lust?(7th). If you said yes to all three you are a liar, thief, and adulterer at heart(according to Jesus). So do you still think you are a good person, when compared to this impartial standard of goodness that God gave us to measure ourselves against.
This reminds me that, almost all of here today believe we are free. The truth is that all of us here today are slaves. We are either slaves of sin or we are slaves of righteousness.
Roman 6
17But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. 18And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. 1
Either you have kept the Law of God or you have broken it. For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.(James 2:10).
Just like there are fines for breaking the laws in the U.S. there are also fines for breaking God’s Law. Remember we are created in His image and His just nature is what leeds us to seek justice through laws and courts. Just like a good judge must uphold the law, God who is the only one that is really good will uphold His Law. God has decreed that, “all liars have their part in the lake of fire which is the second death.” He has decreed that “no adultery and no thief” will inherit the kingdom of heaven. He has said that he will not hold anyone guiltless that takes His name in vain.
The Bible records in 1st John that “Sin is transgression of the Law” The Bible also records that the “wages of sin is death..” You see we all are standing on death row. It is hard to tell at times because it is a big holding cell with a blue roof, and we are free to roam about as we choose. However we have still been arrested by the law, found guilty and awaiting punishment. The only thing left is to see the Judge and receive our punishment, remember the sentence is already decided.
When do we face the judge? The Bible says (Hebrews 11:27) that it is appointed once for a man to die, then judgment.” So we will face judgment when we die. When is that, I do not know, and neither do you. You could have a heart attack right now and stand before the judge, or He could give you another year or twenty.
Now that is the bad news, but there is some good news. “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” God knowing that you could not pay your fine, decided that He loved you enough to provide another way, to pay the fine Himself.
God sent His only begotten son, born of a virgin, in the city of David. This son was to take our punishment. He would bear our inequities, and takes stripes for our healing. He was to be rejected, mocked, abused, and crucified four our lies, thefts, adulteries etc.
This son was Immanuel, God with us.
He was names Jesus.
He was the perfect Lamb of God that took away the sins of His people.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.
He was bruised for our inequity.
He gave his life as a ransom for many.
He came to liberate the captives.
He abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
God commended his love toward in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Christ died for while we were sinners, while we were enemies of God in our minds through wicked works.
Do you know what you must do in order to receive this gift. Jesus said the “unless you repent you will perish” He also said that “whomever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
The Apostle Paul said, “ I have not failed to testify to both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.”
You must repent, turn away from your sins, and place your trust in Jesus Christ and the work He finished on the cross, in the same way you would trust a parachute to save you. You can’t simply believe in the parachute, you must put it on and not take it off until you have landed.
The time for salvation is now. God is commanding everyone everywhere to repent.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Do you stand up for what you believe?
It is hard to be a Christian in today’s culture. We are made out to be simple minded oafs on television. Or backwards in our thinking. So it is sometimes easier to be quiet and go with the flow. Is that what God would want us to do? Or do you think He desires us to stand up and be His mouth-piece?
At work for example, when they start telling those off color jokes, do you laugh and join in or do you turn around and leave? When everyone is telling the lady who is struggling in her marriage she should divorce that sorry so’n’so, do you agree or do you encourage her to seek God and His desire?
I work in a very worldly environment. I would even call most of them false converts. I have given each of them tracts (million dollar bills, pink and blue illusions, and/or the zero dollar bill). I’ve shared the Gospel with one lady, the one struggling in her marriage. I’ve talked in detail with another about God’s Law (the 10 commandments). There is one believer I work with who I have prayed for and with many times.
I know I am by no means doing all I can for the Kingdom of God, but are you?
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Why do more people come to church on easter?
Many people go to church on Easter Sunday that normally would not go to church. Why is that?
Honestly, I don’t know!
Why do you think people are more likely to visit on Easter?
Could part of it be that in this country we are ingrained to go to church on Easter and Christmas as part of tradition? I suppose that is a factor.
Could it be because on Easter most churches do some king of play or entertainment that makes sitting in the pew less boring and easier to take?
Perhaps it is because Church goers are more likely to actually invite someone on Easter? My pastor said that Easter is a great time to invite people that do not normally go to church, because they are more likely to go on Easter and Christmas. So could it be that since church goers expect people to accept the invitation they therefore actually do more inviting? And since they are inviting, people actually come. This become on of those self-fulfilling predications.
My pastor also said he wished every Sunday was Easter, because the church members seem to be more lively, energetic, open, and friendly toward visitors. I assume Christmas is the same way. Now my church is good at making people feel welcome, but Easter we do a little better.
So could people come more on Easter because they have learned that on Easter the people in the church will be nice and friendly to them, but the rest of the year it is not the case? Now I am not saying this is true, but do you think people might believe it is true and therefore come on those days they believe they will be treated nicely?
What do you think? Is any of those plausible? Does one stand out as the reason, or do you think it a combination of those? Perhaps you have another idea on why people come to church on Easter only?
My wife tells the story of a friend whose husband comes to church on Easter and Christmas only. Then one Easter he told his wife that he was not going, because they give the same message every time he is at church. She let him know that if he would come on others day he would see that the messages do vary.
I have one more idea. Could God be drawing them in more on that day than others? If that is true then it begs the question why Easter? If God is “not willing that any perish should perish but that all should come to repentance”(2Peter 3:9), then why not draw them in every Sunday. Why the big push on Easter?
If God is drawing more people in, and or moving church goers to do more inviting on Easter, then there must be something important in the story surrounding Easter. The concept of Easter is given other times in the year, but something must be different about the message proclaimed on this day.
I believe that the message given by most churches on Easter is the purest preaching of the cross that is done during the year. The Apostle Paul, in a letter he wrote to the Corinthians, explained that he preached the “gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” (1 Cor 1:18) He goes on to say in the next sentence that the cross is to those being saved the power of God, and those perishing foolishness.
Since the cross is a central and integral part of the Easter story and very few churches would leave it out, it would make sense for God to want more people to be there that day. I believe that most pastors and church members know this and is a major part of the reason the invite more people than the normally do.
Most churches do a great job of explaining the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. So I want to look at another side of this story.
Many people wonder why was Jesus crucified? Who is to blame for His crucifixion? In fact some have committed great crimes against humanity because they thought they were taking vengeance for Jesus Christ. Many were afraid Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ” would set ablaze once again those who do those evil things.
I believe that we must understand why He was crucified, before we look at who is to blame for His death. While it may seem silly, I would like to conduct a game to help illustrate this point. Since many have called Jesus a good man , and in one case He told a person “why do you call me good, no one is good but God.”
So I want to host the Good Person Game.
Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever taken anything that did not belong to you without permission of the owner? This includes downloading copyrighted songs and copying games and software. Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Have you ever used God's name in vain or as a four letter filth word to exress disgust?
If you have you are, by your own admission, a lieng, thieving, adulterer at heart, that has blasphememd the name of God. Bearing in mind that all liars will have thier part in the lake of fire, no adulterer or thief will enter the kingdom of God, and God will not hold anyone guiltless that has taken His name in vain, would you be innoncent or guilty? Were would you spend eternity? That is the bad news read the rest for the good news.
See we all have failed to keep God’s Law. Even though it is within us, even though our conscience tried to warn us, we still choose to violate it. So the penalty for violating God’s law is death, but not merely death and then you do not exist, but death that is cast into the lake of fire.
You understand that we did the crime, and when we stand before the judge we are without excuse. Because the judge is good, just, unable to lie, holy He will punish those that have lied, stolen, used His name in vain, etc.. The fine will be paid, justice will not be perverted. You cannot bribe him by doing something good. You can’t sing song to get out of it, you can not read the Bible to get out of it, you can not worship Him to get out of it. You can’t feed a homeless person to get out of it.
That leaves us in a bad place. So what did God do to save us from the consequences of our sins against Himself. (((John 3:16)))
Jesus Christ never lied, stolen, looked with lust, dishonored his parents, etc.. He therefore did not have to die. However the Father sent the Son to pay our fine. The Son asked that if there be another way, He wanted that way. But nevertheless Your will be done. Jesus told the Disciples that He would lay down His life and take it up again. He told Pilate that Pilate would have no authority to kill him except that it came from above(GOD).
“God commended His love towards, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Supposing you murdered an entire family while the father was at work. You are caught, convicted, and your appeals are used up. You are walking toward the electric chair. You have broken the law, your guilt is proven, and you are getting what you deserve. People are there to watch the event. A man walks up to you and says “you have broken the law and deserve to die, but I also love you, you are important to me. I am going to take your punishment myself.” You watch in amazement as the man who is not guilty pays your fine.
You have come to a place were you realize that what you did was wrong, and you decide to take advantage of your freedom to go and apologize to the father of the family you killed. It took a few days to find out were He lived. You decided it would be better to drop in because you are not sure He will let you come by otherwise. You remember the anger and wrath that He had toward you.
You arrive at His home and notice that a wake is being held. You go in to the house you find the Father and apologize and ask Him to forgive you.
You decide to pay your respect to the deceased, hoping it is not the Father you wanted to ask forgiveness of.. As you lean into the coffin you see the man that took your place in the electric chair. Dropping to your knees you remember that that Father had a Son that was not home that night you committed that heinous crime. Not only did you harm the Father and His family, but now His Son took your place in the electric chair.
You now see that because of your violation of the Law, His son died to set you free.. You cry out weeping over what you have done.
The Father comes in the room and says, I loved you enough that I sent My Son to take your place. He loved you enough to do it. I no longer hold your crime against you.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Is Door to Door Effective?
By Ginger Reeves
This is a question that has been debated by the church for years. People will say it is not the most effect way to share the Gospel of Christ. That may or may not be true. But what if that is not your goal? What if your goal is to step out of your comfort zone and do something you have never done before? What if your goal is to touch someone’s life by taking time to talk with them and pray with them? What if your goal is tell talk with people about your church? What if your goal is to encourage other Christians?
Let me give you an example of how door to door can be effective:
Saturday, March 3, Franklin and I went door to door in a neighborhood not our own. To talk about a church not our own. We knocked on 8 doors, talked with 4 homeowners, prayed with 3 of them, gave tracts to all of them (at least my 3 year old gave tracts to them all), encouraged 1 pastor’s wife to seek God in some difficult decisions she and her husband must make. The best part of the day though was when Franklin talked with Daniel. A 13 y/o kid who didn’t live on our assigned street, but was getting his dog that had run away. Franklin went through the complete Gospel – sin, repentance, judgment, hell, grace. All of it. Daniel seemed very touched. As Franklin is asking him what he thought about this, he tells us he has gotten saved the night before! Think about it, a young boy who just less than 24 hours ago had given his life to Christ is hearing again about the sacrifice made for him and how much God loves him. Talk about a God encounter!
No, we had no one place their faith in Christ that day. No, we did not see anyone repent of their sins. And no, we did not share the Gospel with every person we met. But we did plant seeds. We did encourage other believers. We did lend a hand to fellow brothers and sisters who needed it by going out with them. We did stretch ourselves by doing something we have not done before.
So before you right off door to door as ineffective, check your motive and goals and then decide.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
An Intergalactic Gos
In a galaxy far far away, a great illustration of Biblical truth is revealed. What do you mean, what kind of Biblical truth is illustrated in a Sci-Fi movie or book? I am glad you asked, because I think this illustration will help you understand a hard Biblical doctrine.
Do you remember a tall, furry creature that seamed to growl and roar to his friend and partner? If you are thinking of Chewbacca the Wookie then you would be thinking of the right character from the StarWars trilogy. He was the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon and close friend to Han Solo.
To set the stage you need to know how Chewbacca and Han Solo joined together in partnership. A lot of that stage is not revealed in the movies, but for Star Wars fans who have read the books know a little more of the information. I am going to tap into this extra information as my illustration.
You need to know that at the end of Episode III Chewbacca and the rest of the Wookies are still sympathetic with the Jedi and the Republic. The Emperor also has a hatred for non-human life forms. This two factors lead to the enslavement of the Wookies. You also may not be aware that at one time, Han Solo was part of the Empirial fleet.
The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia on Han Solo;
A scheduled rendezvous with a slaving vessel revealed that an adult Wookiee had overwhelmed the crew and released the Wookiee children that were to be sold. Leading a TIE fighter squadron, Han boarded the damaged ship and found a barely conscious Wookiee, Chewbacca, in the pilots seat. Commander Nyklas ordered the young lieutenant to skin the Wookiee; Han refused to do so. He later lost his lieutenants commission and was dishonorably discharged. In this way did Chewbacca swear a life-debt to his rescuer, and from then on the two were inseparable.
The life-debt is a concept that I have seen in many movies. Usually the debt was paid off when the debtor found a way to save the life of the one who originally rescued them. The life debt the Chewbacca swore was different from those. It would continue long after the Chewbacca had saved Han Solo. It even went as far as Chewbacca giving his life to save one of Han and Liea’s sons. After which Chewbacca’ son tried to assume the life-debt to the Solo family.
While this is fictional and the concept is really strange, I want to look at it from the Wookies standpoint. The day the Han Solo sacrificed his commission and risked his life to save Chewbacca, was the day Chewbacca would have died. From that day forward Chewbacca would not have even been alive accept that Han Solo intervened on his behalf.
Even the act of saving Han Solo’s life could not cancel this debt, because there is no way that Chewbacca could have saved Han Solo accept Han Solo saved him first. No amount of service would ever be possible without Han Solo’s first saving Chewbacca life, so no amount of service could be used to pay the debt owed. Even Chewbacca’s son would have never existed accept for the intervention of Han Solo in his life. That was why Chewbacca’s son was willing to take over the life-debt.
It is important to know that the Wookie began his service to Han Solo at first out of gratitude to this Imperial officer. It is clearly seen that this gratitude turned into love and the years working together grew into a lasting friendship. So all of the affection the Chewbacca and Han shared was not simply because of their original encounter, but the original encounter was required to begin the process.
So you may be asking yourself what does that had to due with spiritual things, the Bible, Jesus, or God? That is a good question and I am glad you asked.
You see that fact is that you are a lot like Chewbacca. You are nearly dead at the control of a hijacked ship. You are awaiting the boarding party that has been sent to kill you. You cannot fight them off and your only hope is a rescuer that will risk His very life to save you.
Unlike Chewbacca, you are not wrongly pursued, your crime is not freeing others from slavery. You have violated a just law and the law is seeking you out. You don’t believe me do you? May I ask you a few questions to see if I am right about your crimes?
Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything, regardless of value or your age? Have you ever looked with lust? If you answered yes to these three questions you are a liar, thief, and adulterer at heart! You have violated God’s standard of Holiness, the Ten Commandments, and you are already condemned.
You have not paid the penalty yet but it a matter of time before your ship is tracked down, and justice is swiftly dealt out. It is appointed once for a man to die then comes judgment. All liars have their part in the lake of fire, and no thief or adulterer will inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Your only hope is a rescuer to save you.
God demonstrated His love toward us in this, that while we were yet sinners (transgressor of His law) Christ died for us. Jesus Christ, totally right with the law, paid the fine you had earned. He did not risk His life to save you, He gave His life to save you. He laid it down and took the anger of God, that you earned, on Himself.
However that is not the end of the story. He was also raised from the dead, proving His sacrifice was acceptable to God. He has ascended back to Heaven were He prepares a place for those He saves.
What must I do to be saved? Great question! The Bible clearly teaches that one must come through the door of Jesus Christ, He is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but through Him. It also clearly teaches that Jesus is the door. Now we know that doors swing on hinges. The hinges that the door of salvation swings open on is repentance and faith. You must repent, turn away from your sins, and place your faith, trust, in Jesus Christ alone.
You maybe saying you are already saved, so what does this story do for me. If you noticed the main part of the illustration was on what Chewbacca’s life-debt meant. You see you were dead in your sins at one time, if you are saved now. Christ came and set you free and saved you from sure death. Every moment from that day belongs to Him. It is reasonable that you would now serve Him with your whole life. Everything you own, even relationships, belongs to Him now.
As you serve Him out of gratitude for what He did for you, it will turn into love. Over the years of following, Him that love will turn into a true friendship that will last for eternity.
So I challenge you to think of yourselves as a bond-servant with a life-debt. Consider that you could have nothing, not even your life or freedom, if not for the sacrifice He made for you.
Key Verses
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (NKJV)
Acts 20:20,21 how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house, testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. (NKJV)
Romans 5:6-8 For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (NKJV)
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NKJV)
Other Verse references
Revelation 21:8
1 Cor. 6:9
Heb. 9:27
Friday, February 16, 2007
Slippery Slope
I remember back when I was a child the worst thing I could hear from my parents was, We are going to church Sunday and you are going also. I was not saved so church was just something that took time away from me doing what I wanted to do. At the time they where going to a Full Gospel Church of God. Sunday morning was not to bad if I didn't have to go to Sunday school, it would only last about 90 minutes. Sunday night was a whole other story it would start at 6:00 and if I got out at 8:30 I counted myself lucky, sometimes it would last until 9 or 9:30 that seemed like the longest three hours of my life.Then many years later still lost, a good friend called me up and wanted to have lunch so I said sure. The next day at lunch he asked me if I was a good person? I said I was ok I guess. He continued to carry me through Gods law and I realized in man’s eyes I was ok but in Gods eyes I was a terrible sinner and if I died I would spend an eternity in hell. Later that week by the Grace of God I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior.
As I sat thinking about finding a church I thought back to my youth and how much I dreaded sitting there for hours listening to dull preaching. This made me slow to want to return to Church. But I started to hunger to hear the word of God taught, my friend started a Bible study in my parents house, as soon as it was over each week I started looking forward to the next week, for some reason now I've enjoyed hearing the word of God spoke and taught. Sitting through an hour or two seemed to fly by and left me wanting more.
After about a month me and my wife started to church, go figure it was a Church of God. As time went on I started to notice the Pastor kept a close eye on his watch and sometimes even if he wasn't finished with his message he would finish it up because it was almost noon or on Sunday night the one hour I guess allotted for church was almost up. I didn't think to much about it at the time, but I continued to see a trend toward more Songs, worship, praise, and less preaching of Gods Holy word. Now don't get me wrong praise and worship is very important and I think it is ok to have an entire service occasionally of just it. But the preaching and teaching of Gods Holy word is very important for Christian growth. Then I started paying attention to preaching and teaching on TV, radio, or wherever I heard it. I noticed sometimes an entire sermon or lesson was taught and very little if any Bible verses was read or even mentioned.
I am a Sunday school teacher now, and I use stories sometimes that I think are relevant or make a good point but my lesson is based on scripture and the story will lead back to them. I started to study and talk to my friend which is an Evangelist about this trend, and I found out some disturbing things: In the attempt to bring more people in, the modern church has decided to soften the message, tell more stories to make the sermon more entertaining, and to appeal to the people more. They have done studies about what the modern church goer wants and is looking for in a church today. They want less preaching of the word and more exciting things like singing, drama, and other activities.
The modern church has embraced this with open arms, hoping it will bring more people in, and then maybe they will hear something one day that will save them. I hear things like if we can just get them in or we have to do whatever it takes to get them in. What do they hear in some Churches when they get in? The prosperity or modern gospel whatever you chose to call it. Teaching if you just accept Jesus into that God shaped hole in your heart he will fix all your problems, get you a better job, a bigger house, and a nicer car. Now these may be fruits of the spirit that he gives you but it should not be a carrot to dangle in front of a dark and dieing world to lure them to God. They are trying to appeal to the carnal side of man to get them. That is inviting worldliness into the church!Now some of these things alone don't seem that bad but it seems to be a slippery slope. I see churches voting on canceling services for thanksgiving, valentines day, Christmas Day the most important Christian Holiday next to Easter, and the worst I have heard yet cancel church for the Super Bowl. So what will be next Aprils fools day, nice sunny days, maybe even Easter Sunday? That may sound extreme but 50 years ago calling of church for the super bowl would have never even been considered. It is a slippery slope so be careful.Richard N.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Marriage Retreat
We went on our annual Marriage Retreat in Gatlinburg, TN this weekend and had some great Divine appointments. And satan was mad!
In one of the outdoor, corner shopping areas, Franklin was encouraging me to get up and o/a. The fear I felt was paralyzing. However, he and God were more persistent than my fear. I got up and went through about 20 love/Valentine trivia questions to about 8-10 constant people with approx. 25 or so wandering by. I ended with, “What is the greatest act of love ever demonstrated?” Rom 5:8 “God demonstrated His love for us in this, while we were still sinners Christ died for us”. I left it at that. As I got down a lady hollered Good job at me and gave me a thumbs up.
A little while later Franklin did the same thing, but had no one stop. He still pushed on though. After he got down I saw a group of kids and started giving them all MDB (Million Dollar Bill) and he came up and asked them the million-dollar question. He ended up going all the way through the Gospel with them. It was great!
Then Sunday, my sister forgot her purse in our cabin and we had to go back. The beauty of this is my sister NEVER forgets things; she is compulsive about getting her stuff together but God had a different plan:
By the time we leave the cabin (after getting her purse) we head to the outlet mall for a bit of shopping and Franklin has an opportunity to witness to 2 different ladies. One of which got totally convicted and cried. She thanked him for talking with her and he gave her some tracts and some info. I passed out many tracts.
Over the course of the trip (Thur - Sun) we passes out approx 50 tracts, this includes the many left in rest stop restrooms and given to rest stop attendants and had maybe 20 people hear the Gospel.
A side note: While in downtown Gatlinburg 3 young girls were stopped at a candy store, watching the taffy being pulled and stretched by the taffy-pulling machine. My sister walks up and asks if they know why it does that. They start guessing and she says No, but good guess. Then looks at Franklin and me and says Gimme a million! None of the girls knew the answer but she gives each of a MDB for their guess. I think her tract total may be up to 6 now, for her entire life. I praise God for how she is growing!!
By Ginger
My beautiful wife is correct and inspiring in her telling of the story. I am just going to add a little color on one of the incidents.
One of the girls I shared with was Jennifer. I was feeling like I have been unfaithful in pursuing God and the lost lately. I was walking around the mall and had just finished asking God to forgive me and to let me see any divine appointments He had for me that day.
I felt God's leading to talk to Jennifer. Conversation went like this.
me: I like to ask people interesting questions. Can I ask you an interesting question?
Jennifer: Yes.
me: What do think happens when you die?
Jennifer: To Heaven.
me: Does everyone go to Heaven?
Jennifer: I like to think everyone goes to Heaven
me: If there was a standard for going to Heaven, would you want to know what it is?
Jennifer: Yes
me: For example you plan for your vacations, college, jobs and other things. We know that we will only be on this earth for 70-120 years max, you would agree its important to plan for the eternity beyond, right?
Jennifer : Yes
me: The Bible reveals that the standard is the Ten Commandments. Have you heard of them?
Jennifer : Yes
me: Do you mid if I take you through a few of them to see how you do?
Jennifer: No.
me: Have you ever stolen?
Jennifer: no, not that I can remember.
me: I stole staples from my teacher when I was in kindergarten(actually first grade I misspoke) and it made me a thief.
me: Have you ever told a lie?
Jennifer : Yes
me: What does that make you?
Jennifer: A liar
me: have you ever used…..
I took her through the third commandment and the 7th commandment. She was guilty of both.
I told her that by her own admission she was a liar, adulterer at heart, who has blasphemed God's name. Bearing in mind that the Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, and no adulterer will inherit the kingdom of Heaven, and He will not hold anyone guiltless that takes his name in vain, will you go to Heaven or hell. She said hell.
I asked her if she knew what God did so she would not have to go to hell? She started weeping at this point. She mumbles something about Jesus. I told her that valentines is coming up and I was preaching earlier using valentine questions and one question I asked was, what is the greatest demonstration of love ever shown.
I spoke Romans 5:8 into her life. I explained to her, “That God demonstrated His love toward us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” I explained to her sin was the transgression of the laws we had just talked about. I told her that God had seen every sin that she has committed up until now, and everyone after today and still choose to send His son to die for her.
I told her of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and His ascension. I explained to her that her part in receiving this gift was to repent and place her faith in what Christ has done for her.
I ended up praying for her. We hugged as she continued to weep. I gave her the only tract I had so she can remember what I told her and encouraged her to go to the website and find "Save yourself some pain". I also gave her a second tract.
When I said I am giving you an extra tract, she said" to give to someone else." I said yes. You have people in your life you love and do not want to see go to hell, just like I did not want you to go to hell. Pass it on to them.
It has been months since God has let me see some fruit of my efforts as far as doing a 1-2-1. It has brought me encouragement. I see fruits in other areas, but I told God that I would obey Him and His word regardless of the results I see, or even if no results occur period.
By Franklin
Modern Idolatry
What is idolatry? In a nutshell, idolatry is the creating and or worshipping a false god. It can be one that was created in physical form such as a golden calf, or one that is created in the mind. Both are displeasing to the one true God.
I would like to tackle the idolatry that is mainly in the mind. I am going to ask you some questions to help you determine if you serve a god conceived in the mind of man or the God revealed in the Bible.
- Do you worship a God that is love? (1 John 4:8)
- Do you serve a God that has always existed and will always exist?(Psalm 90:2)
- Do you serve a God that is long-suffering (patience)? (Exodus 34:6,7)
- Do you serve a God that is compassionate? (Exodus 34:6.7)
- Do you serve a God that is Holy (separate/different from everything else)? (Isaih 6:3)
- Do you serve a God that is angry at sinners? (Psalm 5:5,6)
- Do you serve a God that did create a place of eternal punishment?(Matthew 25:41, Revelation 21:8)
- Do you serve a God that will send people to an eternal place of punishment? (Revelation 20:15, 21:8)
If you answered no to any of those questions then you are not worshiping the one true God. It is possible that you have not been told all these things about God, it is possible through your own studies you have not found these passages. I must also mention that is not an all inclusive list of God’s characteristics that He has revealed through His Word. I encourage you to read your Bible daily, Old and New Testament seeking out who God is, so when you do worship and serve, you know who you are serving and worshipping.
That kind of covers those who may be worshipping a god, believing it is God, but because of not studying the scriptures has been led into this idolatry. They would be similar to the ones who worshipped gods created by another’s hand.
What about those who are creating this false god in the minds of others. If you (as a pastor, evangelist, Sunday school teacher, or Christian) do not convey an accurate image of God to others, you are creating idols for them to worship in their minds. If you only talk about His wrath you are creating a God who is wrath, while God is love. If you only talk about God and His love, you are creating a God that has no wrath in the minds of those you influence.
I encourage you to go back through the list and see if you cover all of these characteristics of God when you describe Him to people. Do you tell people God hates sin but loves the sinner? Read Psalm 5:5,6 and see if you are talking about God or an idol you are creating in their minds, and maybe your own.
Do you have to cover every characteristic of God every time you talk to someone or every sermon you preach? No! I challenge you to ask yourself if you tend to always focus on one side, therefore ignoring another aspect. This creates idols in others minds, even if you know the truth.
So I challenge you this day, determine to worship the one true God, and to quit creating idols in the minds of men that lead them into idolatry and away from the true God.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Whewwhat a weekend
By Ginger Reeves
Franklin and I decided to go witnessing Friday night after our home group meeting. On the way to the fishin hole (5 Points South), I fell asleep in the car. Once we got there, Franklin asked if I wanted to stay or go home. I said let’s go ahead since we were already down here.
We got out and made our way to our spot. Got there and nobody’s around. Kinda suprising given it was a nice evening and it was a little later than we usually come.
But I looked across the street and saw a lot of people hanging out. We head over there. Oh, did I mention our 3 y/o son is with us? We cross the street and James immediately runs up to this large fountain, kinda the center piece foe the area and is jabbering about its various decorations. So Franklin has walked over and is talking with this gentleman, named Chip. I start praying for him. Then ask, do You want to jump up and start open airing right here, right now? I didn’t.
Franklin finishes with Chip and joins James and I at the fountain. I look around and tell him There are a lot of people praying around here. He says Really? Where?
About that time a small group of young people stands up and joins hands and starts praying, out loud. He waits until they finish, then walks up to them. James and I sit down on the steps and are playing. There is another small group of ladies that is watching us. They go talk to the men with Franklin for a moment, then come talk to me. I tell them I am his wife, as I point to Franklin.
They tell me they are with a local church and are out witnessing to folks as part of a class they are taking at their church! I couldn’t believe it. These were kids, 18 and 19 years old. We made small talk for a few minutes, then I asked them I have 3 minutes to live, how do I get to Heaven? One said ask forgiveness of sins and ask Jesus into your heart. Ok, but doesn’t Scripture say that the heart is deceitfully wicked so why should He want to live there? Another said He will make it clean as snow and pure as a lamb. Ok, but what is sin? Disobeying God’s Word.
By this point, the men had all walked up and we all took hands and prayed for one another. It was so awesome to see other people out sharing God’s Word with the hungry and hurting in our city!
The next day we hit Homewood Park and I did an o/a with about 5 kids present the whole time, and several adults passing by. My good person goes to private school in Shelby County and knew the verses I quoted. But the look on his face when the law was opened up before him revealed it was new to him. Also, the same look when I gave him the money he did not earn or deserve since he was not a good person was priceless. Franklin was able to 2 1-2-1’s while we were out. It was a great weekend serving our awesome and mighty God!!