
Friday, September 02, 2005

EBC-7 Update

Good Morning Alabama,

I am currently a few thousand feet in the air on my way to Seattle Washington. I will not be able to post this until I land in Denver, but if I do not take the time to write this update now I will forget to do it. If I could remember to do it later, I would remember any details.


In case you are unaware, I am going to Seattle to participate in a 4 day evangelistic outreach. Seattle was chosen, more than likely, because of a major festival they are having this weekend. The official title for the outreach is Evangelism Boot Camp hosted by GNN. GNN has invited 75 people to practice handing out tracts, 1-2-1 witnessing, and open air preaching.

The main reason I am attending is to watch, learn, and practice open air preaching. Four months ago, I was at 5pts South and had a strange though go through my mind. I wondered what it would be like to jump up on a park bench and preach the gospel. I quickly shook my head to clear that nasty thought, and continued doing 1-2-1 evangelism with friends, relatives, and strangers.

As the months went by, the crazy thought kept recurring. Eventually I decided to give in and try it. Around a month ago, I stood up at 5 Points south and preached for the first time. A week later, I repeated the incident. I will go over details on those in a different post.

I learned to share the gospel using Evangelism Explosion. I incorporated part of the Way of the Master technique, specifically using the Law to bring about conviction in those that where sure they could earn their way to heaven. I learned of the Evangelism Boot Camps from and had wrestled with attending. Once I submitted to following God’s plan for me to open air preach I decided I had to go. There is no other group I know of that does open air, especially holding true to the entire Gospel. I am not saying others are not using scripture, I mean they have forsaken God’s Law as the schoolmaster to bring sinners to Christ. The Holy Spirit guided the Psalmist in recording “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul…”(Psalm 19:7) and yet we chose to remove the Law from evangelism. The Holy Spirit once again guided Paul in teaching us “the law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith” (Gal. 3:24) and we have chosen to banish the schoolmaster from our evangelism classrooms.

Praises and Prayer

I was unable to get a flight that arrived by the beginning of the “mandatory” first session. I went to the airport early and am trying to fly standby. At this minute I am onboard a flight to Denver. My orgional flight was to leave at 2:37pm I was able to catch the 8:05 flight thanks to God and those who prayed He would allow me to leave earlier.

During the check-in and arranging to fly standby, I was able to meet a very nice lady named Melissa. She was working the counter at United and was very diligent in arranging an earlier flight. The last time I flew the check in person tracked my group down because we had to not left a tip. Not wanting to be embarrassed again I asked her if she was allowed to take tips. She was unable to take a tip. I told her if she could not take a tip, then I was going to have to give her a million dollar bill. She was excited to take the million dollar bill. I informed her a million dollar question was on the back on the bill and left her to read it when she had a chance.
At the second check point, the one before the x-ray, I had my ID and boarding pass checked by a nice lady. While she was checking things out a gave her partner a million dollars. The lady helping me was upset she had not received her million, so I pulled out my last one (on me) and gave it to her.

Shortly after take off I had to make a restroom visit. I noticed a couple kids while I was waiting. When I finished I stopped and showed their mom the “optical illusion tract”. I gave it to her to play with the kids, and told her the instructions where on the back. The instructions tell how to use the card, explains our eyes plays tricks but we would not sell them for great sums of money. This starts in the natural the eyes, and then goes into spiritual things by quoting what Jesus said about the eyes, and then proceeds into the gospel.

I had another illusion tract and I shared it with the flight attendant. She thought it was cool, I gave it to her. She glanced at the instructions and gave it back quickly.

I praise God for using is loyal servants to provide the airline tickets, money for the tracts, food, etc... on this trip.

I praise God for making the way for me to fly out of B’ham on an early flight.

I am currently still scheduled to arrive at the same time in Seattle.

I need you to pray that in Denver I can get an earlier flight onto Seattle.

I need you to lift up my wife and children to God. Pray that he protect them from physical harm and spiritual attack.
I need you to ask God to give me boldness to proclaim the gospel.

Ask God to give me the wisdom to know what exactly needs to be said.

Pray that God prepare the hearts and minds of those in Seattle (and along the way) to listen and understand the gospel.

Please lift up all the participants in the Evangelism Boot Camp in the same way, and any other prayers or request God might place in your heart.

Thank You for your support.

I hope to make updates during my airport stops, and then at least once a day. Please check back frequently.

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