
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

EBC Update number 4

EBC Seattle Update 4

Sorry it took so long. I was going to post from hotel but they charged more than I was willing to pay for internet service. I also did not have time to be honest.

Woke up Saturday around 6am. Had breakfast then went back to room to pray and read scripture. I joined the rest of the group around 8:15 in the meeting room. They had been praying for 15 minutes. We started each day with prayer usually lasting an hour. After the prayer session, we got some tips on using tracts to start a 1-2-1 witness.

We left the hotel around 10:00 and headed for the monorail. We all passed out tracts along the way. One of the team did an open air on the monorail. It was cool. Of course some people where not happy and asked him to basically shut up, but he kept going.

We got to the bumber shoot and split up in teams. My team of 5 and a leader worked with another team of 5. We split up into two's just as the disciples did. This provides protection and allows encouragement. I was teamed up with a 21 year-old college student the first day.

He started the first conversation and shared the gospel with a gentleman named Pepper. Pepper had a friend named Andrew that was in and out, so he heard it as well. Pepper asked those vital questions about the people on a remote Island in the Land of the Lost that had not heard about Christ. We talked to him and his friend for about 30mn-hour.

Wes and I ended up talking to different people after lunch. We stayed within a few feet of each other while doing it. The first major witness I did was with Eric who is in the Army, I found out the Wes was witnessing to his friend Blaze just a few feet away. He let me ask him the million dollar question. "Are you good enough to go to heaven?" I do not remember what he said, but I asked him if I could ask him a few questions to see if he was a good person.

I used the Law of the Lord which is perfect for converting the soul. (Psalm 19:7). He showed sign of conviction so I told him what God did so that he would not have to go to hell. He did want to trust in Christ but He would not pray as thousand of people walked around us. I encouraged him to read the first 10 chapter of John, and settle this soon. Using the same method I was able to witness to Eric, Hayden and two of her friends, and some other people whose names are escaping me right now. The theme through out though was that either they would continue to deny the existence of God, or they would come under conviction but would not pray in the crowd to receive Christ.

I am not overly worried about praying to receive Christ. They can do that themselves, if they did understand that they need Christ to forgive their sins, they will not rest until they have placed their trust in Him.

Around 3 or 4 we began open air preaching. We wanted to get a feel for what the authorities thought first. It was a public place and the 1st Amendment in still on the books, but we also where not going to fight over it.

I was able to see about 4 or 5 different open air session Saturday evening and night. Also had a couple good hecklers that made the crowd larger. I will explain how we drew the crowd in a later post. We did have two really bad hecklers, I am going to talk about one now. Instead of just disagreeing or shouting (he did do that also) he was walking arou8nf with tarot cards and getting close to the open air guy. Getting in his face, but the stool does tend to keep them away. The guy looked rough and freaky.

I prayed, (as other where doing that was with us) that he would get saved, calm down, not be a threat, or go away. When a man walked up and started talking to him. He then engaged that man because of what he said. This man showed up two days later, his name was Jack, and took another heckler or two out by engaging them in conversation with him. I found out later that Jack has a Doctorate of Divinity and is a master of apologetics. Praise God that he was there and intervened. I also praise God that he held off until the heckler had done his part in taking a small to medium crowd into a medium or even large crowd.

We where originally going to leave between 5 and 6 pm to go back to hotel, but decided that to many people where there that needed to know Jesus. We stayed another couple of hours then headed back.

P.S. The monorail music was too loud on the way back to open air, I guess they new we where coming back.
The officials of the event ended up asking myself and a few others to not pass out tracts, but feel free to do open air and 1-2-1 is what she told me.

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