
Monday, September 26, 2005

EBC-& update 7

EBC-7 Update 7

One last update covering our Monday activity and my trip home. I will probably talk about evangelism topics such as compassion etc. that will provide more information but this is my last post for EBC-7.

Monday morning we got up and had breakfast once again. After breakfast I retreated to my room to read my Bible reading, I am now in the Psalms and they are real good reading when preparing for spiritual warfare. After my personal Bible time, and prayer time I join the rest of the group.

They had formed a habit of praying for approximately an hour before leaving to witness. I have fallen in love with participating in the prayer meetings. I have never felt so in tune with others praying, I know it is the common goal and passion that is unifying this group. This is one of the two things I have missed most from the Seattle trip.

We could not take the monorail, it is closed. At the bus stop and on the way we are giving out tracts and doping 1-2-1’s. On the bus Bird preached the gospel. The bus driver did stop the bus after a few minutes to ask him to lower his voice. When we got off the bus we witnessed to the people there for about 15-20 minutes.

Once inside the festival area we began giving out tracts, 1-2-1’s, and open air preaching. One of my group, David, wanted to open air but had not done it before. I offered to tag team with him. He drew the crowd and I shared the gospel. I did one other open air that day. Neither one of those times did we have any unusual occurrences. I have yet to get a bad heckler, it could be because I am not praying for one to make the crowd larger. If that is the case, it will be awhile before I get a good heckler. I do not have the courage to pray for one yet, mainly because I know God is faithful and can provide more than I could hope to think or ask. It is the “more than I think to ask” that makes me not want to ask yet.

Heckler’s back side.

One of the other open air guys did get a good heckler. This guy used foul language, jesters, and at the end literally showed his read end. In case you are not aware literally means that some of us unlucky ones got a view of his naked behind. He continually called for people to fornicate, he actually used that word near the end, but used other more crude words in the beginning.

They good news is that he drew a large crowd of teenagers and young adults who I would consider to be Goths. They cheered him own and he had their respect. However what they did not realize that they were being exposed to the gospel. It also painted a stark contrast between our heckler and our preacher. It was like looking at two entirely different worlds. I even used that to ask some kids if the wanted to grow up to be like that man. The sad thing is that most said yes.

The best news is that after all was said and done one of the ladies in our group talked to our heckler. He grabber her hand (his mistake) and she began to talk to him. He started to protest, but she said “Sir I have listened to you for over 20 minutes, and now you are going to listen to me.” He tried to leave but she was now holding his hand. She kept on talking and he looked down. She asked him to look at her so he did so but making a joke of it. What she said next broke him down and stopped his mouth and led to a nice conversation. She said, “I love you, and I am going to be praying for you.” The words themselves only reflected the sincerity and truth in her heart. Our foul mouthed, mooning heckler felt love that day from someone he had offended and insulted just a few minutes earlier.

My Atheist groups

I talked to 2 separate groups of kids after open airs. It was kind of funny that both had three boys. They were atheist but kept asking questions. I had to admit that I could not answer all their questions and did feel bad. They even said since we could not answer all their questions then their blood is on our hands. I had to explain that they will be judged based on their actions and our inability to answer every question they had will not excuse them on the day of judgment. Since then I have thought more about what I could have said, and I will be prepared to offer a little more next time. I, however, believe that pride was they barrier to their faith and not lack of information.

Going Home

I was able to share the gospel with a lady between Spokane and Denver. She ended up being a professing believer and I have no reason to doubt. She had talked to me for probably an hour about her family. She is proud of her sons, and especially her 19 year old son. He is doing well with his work in computers.

After sharing the gospel, she told me her 19 year old did not believe in God. She poured out her heart and soul over her son’s eternal destiny. I was on the verge of crying with her. I told her to keep praying for her son, that God send someone to him that can show him who God is and what Christ did. I then asked her if I could pray for her, and all three of her children. She agreed so I prayed with her. I hope I was able to give her some comfort, and I will continue to pray for her and her son.

Arriving Home

I arrived home to late for my wife to drag the kids out of bed so I took a cab from the airport. Realizing that God was arranging things for me to talk to a car driver, I got my luggage and headed of to get a cab. I did find a cab and the driver was available to take me home. It turned out he was a Muslim. I thought to myself, God is trying to push me way beyond my fears and anxieties tonight.

While trying to decide how to open the subject, or if I would open the subject, my driver asked me a question. Here is the conversation to the best of my memory.

Driver: What do you do for work?
Franklin: I left work to pursue what the Lord has called me to do.
Driver : (not understanding) You are working for your father?
Franklin: I left my job to work for God. I am going to school to learn how to counsel families, husbands/wife and parents/children.
Driver: That is great! (He is smiling ear-to-ear)
Driver: Maybe you can tell me about my friend. He has a beautiful wife, but is cheating on her with an ugly girlfriend, why?
Franklin: Well, it is not that easy to say without more information, but I will take a stab at it. Usually a man does not cheat just for looks. The girlfriend ugly or otherwise might be giving him something his wife is not. Just like women can have their heads turned by a guy showing love, men can have their heads turned by a girl that shows them respect. The Bible commands Men to love their wives as Christ loved the church, and also that women respect their husbands. Neither one is earned nor deserved but commanded by God.
Driver: I see, I see.
Franklin: However that may not be the case here. Even if his wife is not showing respect, he is still sinning by committing adultery. The Law of Moses, given by God, says do not commit adultery.
Franklin: In fact, Jesus said that even to look at a woman with lust is to commit adultery in your heart.
Driver: Yes, Yes that is what I believe too.

I went on to give him the Good Test by asking if if he ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain. I remember he had the first two not sure about the third one. I then explained that “all liars have their part in the lake of fire, no thieves or adulterers will enter the Kingdom of God.” I then explained the Jesus lived a sinless life and took our sins on himself. That we did the crime and Jesus paid the fine.

When all was said and done, he wanted to get together (both of our families) to talk to each other>

My driver also asked why people here (Birmingham) went to church on Sunday but the bars on Friday and Saturday. I explained to him that some in the church are hypocrites, pretenders. That they pretend to be Christians on purpose or they falsely believe they are saved. I also explained that even real Christians also make mistakes sometimes.

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